Me: "Mounts are trash motivation" also me

just spent a week farming to get the vicious war fox.

I’m not into organized pvp. RBGs are fun, my other main experience was in 2v2s.

One evening, the guild was running casual RBGs and it was fun. I got to 1400 rating in the first evening. Easy. Then we repeated the 2nd evening. The bar for the spider mount was filling up. Buckle up, boys, this is happening.

I’ve always wanted the vicious war fox, but as I am not invested in pvp at all, I always thought it would be out of my grasp. A lot of it is my own ignorance on how things work (like, 2v2 is garbage and slow, but 3v3 is fun and also oh my god it’s so insanely quick). My want for the war fox grew with the new castle nathria plate transmogs.

The transmog itself isn’t really good, but the boots. The boots are awesome. So I made an entire transmog for my blood elf revolving entirely around the boots. It was red and silver plate, no helmet, small shoulders. Looks great. And the vicious war fox fits it perfectly.

I thought I had my favorite mount when I got the antoran gloomhound - it is amazing and beautiful. But… it doesn’t fit my transmog at all, so I wasn’t riding it.

The moment I realized the vicious war fox is possible I became obsessed. I AM GETTING THAT MOUNT! The guild started making fun of my rated pvp obsession. My rating is trash, the winrate is slightly below 50%. I’m not great… but my want for mount got me playing content I don’t normally play. And the best part is - I found myself I could enjoy it.

This would’ve never happened if… mount didn’t exist as motivation. So sometimes, mounts can be good motivation and I guess… just for that one that manages to motivate a player to discover a new part of the game, all the 100 ones that do not are also worth it.


Gratz on your mount. The Vicious mounts are all really high quality imo. Worth the effort.

I farmed all Mechagon achis for the to fit my mechagnome mog :wink:

Look how beautiful it is. And this all started… because the plate CN boots are so cool. I made my entire transmog around them, and then - the fox fits this mog perfectly, so I WANT IT TOO :smiley:

Of course. Arena is amazing.
Now imagine if you discovered that BEFORE Legion, back when class design was good and PvP was at its peak. Oh, you missed out, for sure.

looks dope

It took me more than 2 years to find the strenght to do some RBGs to get a recolour of my legion magetower weapon.
after enduring 22 RGBs i managed to get my 10 wins, got my skin and i’ll never set foot into a bg ever again:
the queues were extremely long due to my low rating, low vers, and 0 experience,
tons of groups fell apart midway,
the BGs were absolutely no fun at all, some teams were balanced, other steamrolled us without a chance.

3v3. 2v2 is so… annoying. In 3v3 I found people play the game exactly how I would want the game to be played ideally, in general. In RBG, too. People are social, vocal, they are very receptive to battle net friend invites, they want to play with you again. It’s really the best I’ve seen from the WoW community. Obviously for me it’s low rated casual tier. We got to 1400 a few times, but couldn’t consistently keep it. I’m not some pvp pro. But it was fun, and… and the pugs were fun.

Less so as a healer. It feels good to be playing PvP without having a panic attack every time you blink because of the crazy burst damage of Shadowlands.

good mounts are fun, not the 100th recolor of 1000ths horse


Not the point of the thread but I feel like someone needs to tell you…
That crown looks bad and doesn’t fit your tmog.

But it was given to me by a friend. It stays on P:

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Fair enough. :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’m sorry to hear that you accidentally bought the wrong mount. But it’s an easy mistake to make.

Now go on and get yourself the superior trike.

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With how many mounts there are in the game I couldn’t care less about any of them anymore. They need to come up with something different.

I think this is an important part right here. Sometimes you just need a little motivation to try something and notice you actually enjoy it more than you thought.

Especially with PvP I think getting new players in is very important. If everyone left is an experienced player, new players will have a really frustrating experience and will likely just quit instead of getting better.

With more new players joining PvP, players can have more gradual learning curve.

I think lowering the required CR for the vicious mounts to 1k was a great change to achieve this. I know a lot of people planning to try and get it now, that otherwise just wouldn’t have bothered.


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