Mead for the Catalog *world quest*

Hello there.

Apparently caused by doing the world quest and hopping into a dungeon while on the flying disk,

Several Players including myself, are stuck floating in the Air, above miles of ocean. with no way to move character, either by relog (can’t do that)., Alt f4 - doesn’t work. and the character unstuck, also doesn’t work.

If you could rectify this and get us all out of Limbo, that would be great.



If the unstuck service isn’t working then id open a ticket to request your character moved as there’s no GM’s in the forums that can help you move your character. Make sure to mention in the ticket you tried the unstuck service or they will just send you back to that.

I read on another topic on this issue that some were able to get out of it by having a Warlock summon them, so maybe ask a lock guildie or friend to try summon you (will be much quicker than waiting for ticket if it works).