All my mechagnomes have Cog in the name because it sounds like male chickens in my accent, so I get to giggle when I log on to Cogmongler, Cogsquatter or even Cogmuncher.
Mine are relatively boring by comparison! Paxmillian, Willikers, Killenwatt and Heizenbergle are the boys and Rosalindie, Zinkledora, Jinxabelle and Flickie are the girls.
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We’ve all seen the Vulpera appreciation thread- you guys know the drill, let’s show some love for our mechanised characters!
Personally I wanted to make one as soon as I unlocked them, but I couldn’t decide on a class or look that I liked. Eventually I realised I could make a semi-decent imitation of Dr. Robotnik from Sonic, and here we are.
So please share your story with mechagnomes or even just give us a robot emoji (no UwUs, that’s the Vulperas’ thing)!
This random thread has been brought to you by Borbarsa. Couldn’t resist putting the post through an ASCII binary converter.
Copied from my own thread on the subject Mechagnome appreciation thread 🤖
As said in the other thread, welcome to the crew and hope you enjoy your time on the race. Very interested to see how you name your pets with the char concept haha.
Need any assistance with anything MG related or levelling if you see any of following in game, feel free to whisp as it’s me behind the iron curtain. Not really on my mage or warrior much these days.
I am just a mechagnome cook.
… or am I?
I love you mask, stay safe little gnooms
Rejoice my mechanical brothers and sisters
The preamble datamine on wowhead indicates Mechagnomes are receiving some new cusomisation options, three different arm options appear to be referenced, two of them seem named according to what we have now “classic and reinforced” but a new “fortified” option is there as well.
This could mean as little as one new claw and hand option, but seeing as only new options appear in the datamine (looking at other races their old options aren’t there, only new ones) this may well mean three new hand and three new claw options!
Additionally “female mechagnome paint job” appears, possibly a new metal Colour as well!
The themes from this livestream suggest AR are not being left behind which is fabulous news! I’ll keep peeled for more!
This is great news! Hope they allow us to freely customise the colors of our limbs to mix and match with transmogs. Think of all the possibilities!
Small update on Mechagnome customisation options.
No development on the “fortified” and “reinforced” arm mods at current, nor the “new paint job”, what is clear though is Mechagnome skin tone and metal paint are now two different options on the customisation menu.
Additionally Mechagnomes have been given the three new Gnome skintones they’re receiving in SL regarding diverse appearances, in addition to all the new eye colours gnomes are due to receive, although these are at current only visible when your eyes are shown obviously! These includes the double-blind “leper” gnome eyes!
Additionally in case anyone wasn’t aware, the option to pick eye mods that look like my own (the weird way they go when you have a hood on for most of the mods) is available with each ear modification as well!
Pax here.
After participating in the “why can’t Mechagnomes mog?” thread, it’s become clear that it’s a pretty stick point for many people p
playing MGs or who would play them otherwise.
It’s not secret that MGs have mog limitations, which usually means their mog can be hard to pull off as you’re largely limited to what works with their mechanical bits. This limits you in particular to certain colour schemes to create to cogent look (for any Blues taking a peek, this is why it would be amazing if we could have a lot more paint job options, we can spray paint our sweet rides red, blue, green etc, so why not out bits?).
Anyway i’m obviously a bit of a MG fan, so what I thoguht i’d do is over the next few days i’ll post daily entries on the thread which showcase a few potential looks for each armour class for MGs, in various tints, as well as some other generic tips or ideas for the mogs. I’ll do one for weapons as well. People are free to add their own creations as replies to a post for a specific armour class, if you lack TL3, i’ll post it for you.
Anyway look to the next post for the first edition, as this dude lacks aforementioned TL3.
Pimp My Mechagnome: Edition 1 - Cloth
Okay so first i’ll take a look at a few potential cloth looks for each tint. I’ll come back and add to these over time, but I prefer to have a few for each armour class up first, and then expand them (and i can add other people’s into the posts as well).
Gold Tint
1 - This Techmage/clockwork wizard look can be achieved by heading into the End Times raid in cata on normal difficulty, the pieces drop there. Not all off the pieces have “generic” clones however, so it’s largely restricted to mages.
2 - The Vestments of the Eternal Traveller work really nicely for a mechagnome caster with a golden tint due to the heavy-metal thematic of the piece. I quite like it as a kind of techpriest for example. The set also works quite well with the heritage shoulders if you don’t like how big the default ones are.
3 - For a lower key steampunk look, you can farm (good luck) the Duskhaven top hat for the head. Alternatively a Master’s Hat from random drops (high end vanilla) will provide a similar look, albeit fedora style. The tunic is a simple “Shadow Council Tunic of…” that drops from random TBC mobs. Any simply belt will do, as will black pants. This look works with any tint, but the small gold details work nicely with the golden tint.
You can acheive a similar look with the Darkmoon Faire gentleman mog set, as well as (if you’re so inclined) the dress, which works quite well with all the MG tints due to the fairly dull colours.
Other mentions: The Ternion Glory set (priest) that drops in Siege of Org in the gold colouration (normal) is largely available in off-slots and works very nicely for the gold tints and the blue glows match MG eyes. The chronomancer set in the yellow tint works extremely well too (same raid as well!).
Uldir offers a gold version of its cloth set which looks amazing (without the helm i’d say) but getting it may be tricky atm.
4 - I went for a simple “junker” look here, Robes of lightning (Halls of Lightning) for the robe, the shoulders and head are able to be picked up from many sources in WoTLK. This is a decent look for a more low key caster, who’s spent time scavenging on the heaps.
5 - More highbrow here, this is the raidfinder tint of the Ternion Glory set, you can get the entire set for any cloth class due to odd slots (I use it on my lock). The green glow contrasts with the eyes, but i like it for a lock due to the fel implications. The back details are really nice as well if you disable your cloak. It still works really well without shoulders if you find them a bit too grand and just want a lower key “tech robe” look.
6 - The raid finder colouration of the Guardian Serpent Set (Terrace, Heart of Fear) provides this look. The colours work fairly well with the MG tint overall, but it’s quite an over the top look, maybe suitable for a self-proclaimed mecha-prophet or grandiose inventor. Again, disabling the shoulders can tone it down a lot.
Mix and match between the sets to find what you’re happy with.
There’s also a lot of very low-key looks possible through random WoTLK and Cata drops, such as dowdy looking shirts and pants etc, if you just want a scrappy looking MG with a bronze thematic.
As above, Uldir offers a tone that suits the bronze look, but it’s not easily farmable.
7 - This is the Chronomancer set referenced earlier in the raid finder tint, it drops in siege of ogrimmar and you can farm the entire set to be worn on any class. The shoulders can be swapped for others here if you think the swirl-motiff is a bit wierd (I personally do) or you can try and mix it with some gold pieces too for a multi-tonal look. Pieces of the heritage armour can do this nicely.
8 - These pieces are available from the Cataclysm 5-mans “Hour of Twilight” type dungeons, dropping from Murozond and Tyrande. Works very nicely for a caster of any disposition, but I quite like it as a doctor/surgical look due to the high coverage.
9 - This look is acheived by getting the heroic uldir pieces. Not an easy task to just farm until shadowlands I fear, but it is a really great look for any mechagnome caster, it isn’t too gaudy which means you can mix and match with it quite a bit as well, and it isn’t too suggestive of any class. I don’t like the helmet however, so i’d swap it out for a different one, or just not wear one and let your chrome do the work.
The silver look is quite fortunate as the metalwork shows hints of a bronze tone which means mixing up with some of the bronze tone options above can work. Particularly on belt and shoulders as it then creates adequate space between the bronze of the feet, the mid section and the top.
Made up a cloth look you want to share or have a tip for cloth MG mogs? Reply to this post!
These look amazing, I’d look forward to seeing suggestions for other armour types (not necessarily from you- you’ve done enough to further the mechagnome love on these forums!), might keep them in mind for if I make another MG.
Hey, I was wondering. How do mechagnomes have hair growing out of their head when they have a full skull plate modification?
Unless these modifications occur at a molecular level, I can’t see how hair can go through it.
I ask because every MG I made with a skull plate modification, I intentionally made them bald for immersion reasons and was wondering if there’s something I’m misunderstanding about the depth of their modifications.
Good question.
There’s nothing in depth about the modification so much as regarding whether it is indeed simply plates (perhaps with holes on it for hair) or whether it is an actual metallic graft which would mean the hair roots are presumebly removed - it’s open to the player to decide. It’s possible it’s either. We do know that mechagnomes do insert modifications in their brains (comments made during Mekkatorques revival questline, also comments made to DKs about sleep mods) so the idea they actually remove the entirety of flesh (and possibly upper skull) with that particular modification is there.
This means either the hair somehow grows (inserted hair cultures into the mod) is synthetic and attached to the mod, or is entirely separate like a toupee. It’s very much up to players to make the call. Mechagnome tech is sophisicated regarding mods so finding a way for natural or augmented hair to grow from the metal isn’t implausible; the entirety of mod tech is built upon the idea of biological and synthetic interaction and compatibility. Given mechagnomes can mod the brain to enhance reasoning, emulate sleep cycles, increase attention as well as build other devices like time travelling devices (Pascal’s blueprints), manipulate the weather or more recently, devices that can reanimate those in a near dead state and behave as an artificial source of life/energy- being able to have something that resembles hair springing from their metallic heads isn’t difficult by comparison. You just have to decide what it is.
Personally I vary it. My DK and Lock (and Pax, although he will be using the mod that looks like his face at current in SL) all use this facial mod. My DKs hairstyle is such that I can pass it off as natural hair he sweeps partially over his head. With my lock she actually wears a wig, and I change her hairstyle every so often to reflect this.
The skull plate is inserted under the scalp, so the hair can grow…A bit goretesque but not worse than the other modification options
Check my armory for another transmog idea, nothing special but I like it.
Mechagnome here!
Trying to make a tech-priest enginseer along Warhammer 40k looks, but I still do not have all the transmogs available that I wish.
That is going to look awesome. Be sure to put pictures up on here ^^
How’s it progressing?
Always go for the upgrade!