Mechagnome Appreciation and Celebration Thread ⚙

Greetings GD.

Vulpera got theirs, and any Mechagnome equivalents never really kicked off, for shame. In these housebound times, we need to focus on the positive rather than the negative.
This being said, this thread is intended as a positive site of Mechagnome related discussion, gushing, questions and whatnot.

Stuff this thread is for

  • Simply saying hi on your Mechagnome.
  • Sharing with others what you like about Mechagnomes.
  • Discussions and questions regarding Mechagnome lore and culture.
  • Mechagnome mog ideas and workarounds
  • Posting suggestions for what you’d like to see in the future for this race, given their very unique potential.
  • Sharing of Roleplay concepts, tips, questions, and content including naming suggestions etc.
  • Constructive suggestions for what blizz could have done differently or you would have liked to have seen. Be specific!

Stuff you should do in a different thread
Yeah yeah, I can’t stop anyone posting. But nobody has to be that guy who decides he’s going to walk into a public library to socialise and drink coffee with his mates when there’s a coffee house around the corner. Come on now.

  • Any of the following: “Trashgnomes” “Diaper Babies” “Omg who wanted them even” these memes have been recycled so many times that even Kerchunk would be proud. This being said, countless other threads have had them being aired. Please don’t, unless you want to be that guy.
  • Trying to big up your Vulpera or whatever. You already have a thread for that. Come on now.
  • Complaining about Mechagnomes in a whiny fashion. Like if you have constructive feedback you’d like to see blizz work with, go ahead. But if your post is just “meh, sux” or whatnot, then please relocate yourself to a different periphery. This is not the place unless it promotes something constructive.
  • Adding stuff like “I love them as a snack” and nothing else (usually posted on a blood elf or another horde race that wouldn’t even eat freaking gnomes typically).

So come one come all, let’s have it!

Also: here is a link to the Mechagon Empire discord, a home for all like minded Mechagnome enthusiasts. Please check it out.


Mind the gap!


I’ve unlocked Mechagnomes but haven’t made one yet. I was talking to friends the other day who mentioned that Mechagnomes are like mini Borg and now I want to make one called Seven!

I like the gold versions of the limbs best (there are some gold tmogs that go great with them) but silver would probably be more appropriate for Borg. A lot of people think that the limited tmog slots of Mechagnomes make them uninteresting but I see it more like you have some existing set pieces that you want to keep and you just need to find the rest of the pieces to match them. I’ve seen some excellent tmog options posted in other threads but am always keen to see more ideas.


tee-heeee ;)) nice thread good luck. i have 0 mechagnomes and cba unlocking them.


Thanks for your constructive criticism and feedback. I feel we had a nice dialogue.


Mechagnomes would have been much cooler if we could have them more mechanized. The way they’re implemented destroy the mog possibilities.

I can unlock them and I’m considering to make one anyways - I just don’t know what class could fit them. :slight_smile:

Why would anyone eat Mechagnomes? I don’t mind having a nice Gnome-Feet soup but Mechagnomes have even less meat and you need to take the microchips out of their bodies before cooking them. :confused: Don’t eat Mechagnomes.

Also what race would lore-wise actually consider eating Gnomes memes aside? Trolls?


I’d like them as a snack…

…but not the eating (food) kind.

The one jarring thing I find is the rusty colouration does not match the HA at all, whereas the gold or silver match it perfectly. It really makes the rusty option an unattraction one if you’re planning on using any of the HA. So i’d really like to see any mogs that involve that colouration that work!

Erazmin himself showcases such a set nicely, but the armour is limited to hunters only!


They should’ve added 3 versions of the set like with Mag’har.

Rusty, Silver, and Gold.

Just like they should’ve added the other 1-2 versions of the Lightforged Heritage.


That would have been a really good idea!


If we look at it from a nutritional point of view, Gnomes don’t appear to have well developed muscles, and have enlarged heads due to presumbely well developed brains. This would make them quite an unconventional snack at best, with very little “meat” and mostly fatty tissues and brain matter, which would be an acquired taste at best. My only guess would be trolls.

Regarding your earlier points, I agree options for more mechanisation would have been good- or less, like one limb rather than two for example. I have suggested in another thread about limb customisations for the future- like wheels, jets etc. More ear adornments would be decent as well. I think the face has to be left largely alone as the principle point of playable MGS is they don’t go that far, so the guess is they leave their brains and hearts largely alone (maybe putting a few cognitive upgrades into their brains but that’s it, the Gnomes working on Mekkatorque during the questline mention such upgrades)

Regarding classes, like normal gnomes I think MGs rely on your perspective of what such a class “might” be for them, as in many cases they’re probably not a “general” representative of such a class.

Mages and warlocks are pretty standard fare. One could look at them as scientists interested in bridging the gap between magic and science. Warlocks a more unethical take on this. Warlocks are accustomed to sacrificing parts of themselves for powers, so for a MG actually the class fits extremely well, as “crossing that line” isn’t really as much of an issue for them as others.

Hunters are a good class for MGs, a simple sharpshooter or sniper works, or a bot commander, or tinker. It depends on your spec, but if using beasts using non mechanical ones is quite jarring.

Rogues are similarly a good fit. Rogues are about precision and calculated movement, which mechanisation can offer. Erazmin mentions when rogues address him about upgrades pertaining to sound-absorbant foot upgrades which suggests mechagnomes can utilise such tech. Stealth can be justified through cloaking tech, which makes the RP issue of “I disappear before your eyes” less jarring, as MGs actually have the technology potential to do this, and you can maintain it’s deviceless as they’ve simply mechanised themselves to allow it to occur. Allow it drawbacks obviously. Weapons can be trickier, it’d be cooler if we could mog the weapons AS our arms, but alas. On my rogue for example I use two Tia Tia the Scything star, and I’ve conceptualised it that when she has them equipped, the whirring blades are her actual arms - it’s a case of her simply equipping them.

Monks are frequently seen as a misnomer. A conventional monk could be a way for a MG to explore their inner Gnomanity, and embrace the “living” side of themselves. It could be an exploration into the curiosity of a subject which is quite un-gnomish- enlightenment, abstract principles etc. Gnomes are curious after all! My own, thus guy, I’ve envisioned as an Alchemist. He uses concotions he’s brewed up to behave as medicines and to soup up his own attributes, as they contain chemicals that work as fuel/battery for some of his internal augments (for example in the case of Ironskin Brew it’s a concoction that forces his pain recoginiton systems to delay their feedback loops, and instead divide the data into small subsections and feed it into his system over a longer window, resulting in him feeling the pain over a longer period but less intensely).
Regarding martial arts it could be seen as a way to embody the idea of “Transgnomism” or rather, becoming one’s best self, and shamelessly using technology to assist in this. Erazmin again tells us of considering stuff like below-the-skin metallic plating to assist in combat prowess.

Priests are a bit weirder. Gnomes don’t appear to have faith to speak of, and the Mechagon gnomes have been divorced enough from mainstream Gnomanity to make adoption of human-light culture less pronounced. Gnomish priests may worship the Watchers, but this is speculation. Given MG culture focuses quite firmly on imitation of the philosophy of Mimiron, it’s a plausible option. Another alternative is that their priests are essentially non-theistic and they represent a way of teaching and celebrating Gnomish culture and philosophy- that is to say in this case that one can always transform themselves if they have the imagination to envisage the challenge they need to overcome. In a way you could say this is an almost Nietzschean philosophy. Alternatively you could have a priest simply revere “science” a “tech priest” of sorts, and seeing technology as a manifestation of the divine, as it is the sentient race’s way of replicating the underlying processes of nature- be it destructive or otherwise. So using tech “connects them” to fundamental underlying orders of the universe.

Death knights are similar to warlocks. You could simply have a standard MG killed and raised as a DK. Alternatively you could have an MG who went a tad too far in their mechanisation and thus borders on being alive and dead. The fact Mg armour glows blue a lot works nicely with DK base eye colours to serve as being explained by simple “power” coursing through them rather than the DK undeath glow. Experimenting with necrotechnology (hey Frankenstein) would be a good way to have a MG character be written!

Apologies for wall of text!


I’m halfway there, still I would never change myself into something less handsome and awesome than a full gnome.

Jokes aside, I’d like it if they’d add the standard gnome hairstyles to mecha-gnomes and vice versa, there are some really cool hairstyles, and there is some RP potential if you decide you want to have a mecha-gnome instead of a normal gnome (if you are going to race change)

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I like my mechagnomes with a little oxidisation.


(Hell Bent for) Leather:


Ah, AD-posters. Always providing quality topics. :watermelon:

Have already done my MG (LV111) for now but I’ll likely start a female one in the near future with her own custom transmog.

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Does not compute.


These mogs are sweet and sell the oxidisation nicely!

We should also point people to good weapon mogs aside from the Mechagon ones! I may draw up a list and add it later as there’s plenty of options I’ve found that work that I use aside from these (I see the WotLK gadget blade in your own!)

@Leafkettle and Urk

ADers are generally nice. We give a crap about lore and RP so we’re invested in the races we play. That’s certainly what I tell myself. Even if you don’t RP actively, having a “theme” for your character in terms of class fantasy and such goes a long way to making playing them enjoyable, and that sort of thing is what this thread is about!


I care about lore, and I played on Argent Dawn for 7 years until I left over a month ago. I do in fact go with classes for certain races I feel fit, same with mogs (to an extent).

AD is life. Cannot stand Draenor-EU because of that and how goofy everyone is with their transmogs, mounts and so on. Can’t wait for the next transfer sale.

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I use same mog on my Warrior that I used on AD.

I’ve used this same set since Mists of Pandaria. xD

Best. Thread. Ever.

I’m working towards Mecha-Done atm but it’s super frustrating that some of the larger achievements for it aren’t cross-character, and the main toon I have with most of it completed on I can’t stand playing anymore :joy:

But I will get my Model W.

Also kinda hoping for some more leg/arm customisation in SL!

I’m waiting with that until I hit LV60 in SL so I can easily farm everything. Don’t have the nerves to do Nazjatar and Amputee Diaper Island atm. But I do want a weapon out of the Mechagon mythic dungeon…