Mechagnome transmogrification

Not really the same though, as none of those hide complete armor pieces… Just change them to fit them…

But it isn’t though… Certain pieces in Legion I remember had unique looks for DHs, but you can choose whether you want to be bare chested or not…

Orcs with giant mechanical arms like in the warhammer 40k universe…one can only dream.


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Agreed, and the difference in terms of quality and interested is like night and day between vulperas and Mgnomes.
If pnly we could have the setthrak that would fit the beast race mark in this patch

looks great! ive allways had trouble finding pants that dont look like they were made for battle. same goes with the shoes.
loving the pincer type hands but its a shame u cant put a glove on the 5 finger type hand.
the whole arm being mechanical also frees me from finding clothes that have long sleeves or sleeves that end half way.

It looks awesome if u ask me :smiley: I dont know why, but I really like it

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Do pincer hands hold weapons like LEGO’s men?

I’m guessing a robe will still cover the legs or do they cut off short as well?

Yes, that appears to be the case.

Robes, kilts and skirts seems to still cover the legs. It’s only trousers that turn into underpants.


It’s the wrong trousers Gromit, and they’ve gone wrong!


I’m happy with this one.

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Only thing i wanted this expansion was neutral vulperas, no im serious that was literally the only thing i wanted

And then not only are they horde only ( yeah yeah i know, makes sense blah blah ) but we get mechagnomes

F**king mechagnomes … I thought it was a meme that it would be a playable race, i guess some people actually wanted that …?

And if so, i want to know who?


It was obvious very early that they won’t get to be an Alliance AR because Blizzard didn’t even care to give the Vol’dun Alliance story a conclusion.

I think Mechagnomes would be much better if you could atleast see pants up to the knees like shorts.

What a joke race.

I dont really like more gnomes as well, i rather would have gotten full mechagnomes like in ulduar. But atleast they have had a proper introduction unlike void elves for example

Lovely little heroes :heart_eyes:

I see a man of culture.

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I’m now sold on these little killing machines.

Only good thing coming out of this is that possible new AR/races could have restrictions like these.

e.g. Sethrak not being able to wear helmets (at least most of them) apart from heritage armour or have them as customisation options in the character creation. :slight_smile:

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