Mechagnome transmogrification

I'm not so sure about this...


And it appears that all trousers are converted to underpants when worn by these cybernetic gnomes.


that thing is death incarnate. no more poking fun at gnomes!


God left us.


Seriously, these lil bastards are creepy as hell.


They don’t even need a skinning knife to skin you, their limbs double as them!


Or you’ll get the clamps!


i kept hoping mechagnomes would not become an allied race. The only good allied races the alliance have gotten are the dark iron dwaves and kulthirans. The horde has have gotten more good ones so far


Tbh Kul Tiran males are pretty funny looking. I don’t mind them at all.

Gotta have a stache though, no stache, no deal.

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got to agree on that one, without facial hair they look like very bad

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Don’t let him hear you. You’ll get the clamps otherwise.

Their bodies function as cooking fires, blacksmith anvils and furnaces.
While their arms can turn into any profession tool.

How long before they start running around trying to “Upgrade” everyone else?

Mechatauren now please

A good case for mechatauren would be after when worgen have snacked on the walking burgers.

Well we are delicious.

The temptation of responding to that is great… But I know if I do, I’ll likely get suspended again for vulgar misconduct.

O.o I’m almost afraid to ask

A race where you can’t even see half the transmogs… Bleh…

They look cool in their heritage armor though…
If you pick the golden arms/legs at the barbershop/character creation…

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Yeah, sucks for those who want to be silvery or rusty.
No legs, feet or hand transmogs will be an interesting sell.

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Mechagnome arms and legs always shows. The legs is excepted with a skirt tho, but you can still see the robot feet.

Think like tauren and worgen manes, as well forsaken bones.
Or chest armor always bare for Demon Hunters.

Except those don’t entire entire transmog sets.

You can find plenty of mogs that cover the chest if you’re so inclined.

So what? Mecha gnome arms and legs is always visible.