I just ventured into the PTR because I was wondering about this for a long time, Mr Hazzikostas never bothered to clarify this, So I was wondering “Do I have to get exalted with Rustbolt as Alliance to get Mechagnomes?”
Based On Legion Allied Race Standards you’d think the Answer is no, but, having nothing to do i Downloaded the PTR, i couldn’t find the Starting Mechagnome Quest, I figured that’s because they are already unlocked on the PTR but when I checked my Horde Main, the Vulpera quest was there, In other words, You need to do it as Alliance, Else you’re screwed, Great and mr Hazzikostas couldn’t bother to tell us when announcing Mechagnomes and Vulpera
And while I understand the Point of “Well the Alliance needs to have a Horde Character to get Vulpera” That is true, but they don’t need to do Operation: Mechagon do they? You mean to tell me, I need to grind rep on an Alliance Character, and then do M+ To gear up so that I can unlock an Allied Race
BFA Alliance Favoritism strikes again
You can check the status of your attunement on wowhead if you are unsure but having exalted on your Horde will be enough to do the unlock quest on an Alliance character that is high enough.
Using me as an example, who has only ever done Mechagon on one Horde char
It’s only faction exclusive reputations that would require a separate grind. Like when I unlocked KT etc I had to do that on my Alliance character.
Imagine needing exalted on X faction to unlock Y race for said X faction. Horrendous, I know. How unrealistic game. 2/10 wouldn’t resub.
Are you telling me that Horde can get Mechagnomes straight away, while Alliance need to grind rep up to exalted to get Vulpera? Or did I misunderstand?
Yes, I already have the rep requirement. Mechagon is a neutral reputation. Vulpera are Vol’dunai so a Horde only reputation.
That’s… I don’t know what to call it. Unlucky(?) for Alliance.
Yeah I’m amazed that’s not sparked yet another HORDE BIAS angry tyrade from some.
It’s logical but unfortunate if you only play one side.
I think people aren’t aware yet, but I am more baffled Blizzard has let this go through, though it could be stuff related to it we don’t know yet.
Oooooor, maybe Blizzard decided to be mean since we’re never happy 
You are calling it yourself, I’m barely holding myself not to create new one now. It is tempting.
I thought that you still had to do the story chapters on an Alliance character, even if you have done the rep on the Horde one? Did they change that or have I been confused all along?
I’m not really sure why any one would be baffled. All the reputations have worked like this. In Legion we more or less had access to all the same factions so unlocks were fairly straightforward. In BfA we went back to the Alliance and Horde split.
Mechagon is a neutral faction. Just like Argussian reach and Army of the light were. There was no big outcry then when we could unlock the Void Elves and Nightborne regardless of what faction our character was on. Why would this be any different.
Unlocking the Race
To unlock the Mechagnome Allied Race, you must first have the Battle for Azeroth expansion purchased.
The Mechagonian Threat requires completion of the Mechagon storyline, which should take several hours and a dungeon run to complete. Reference the Comprehensive Mechagon Guide if you need assistance with any quest.
Exalted with Rustbolt Resistance may take several weeks to obtain, as you can only earn a limited amount of reputation through Mechagon daily quests. Reference the Rustbolt Resistance Reputation Guide for details on all the available dailies and special ways to gain reputation with the Rustbolt Resistance.
You must then complete a special questline which demonstrates the ingenuity of Gnomes and Mechagnomes working together.
You have now earned the
Allied Races: Mechagnome achievement and can create a Mechagnome.
Not sure what achievement criteria you have left for this Allied Race? Simply go to the BFA attunement tracker, hit Load Character, enter in character info, and see what you still have to complete!
You can do all those requirements on the Horde.
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That is because all races were unlocked from neutral factions/even split. This time is the first time one is neutral, and the other is not.
I realise that but why would the rules suddenly change regarding neutral factions?
Because it is different - before, both factions could unlock the other faction’s AR. Now only the Horde can with Mechagnomes, we can’t with Vulpera. Plus, we’re forced to complete Mythic Mechagon to unlock Mechagnomes as well.
Honestly all this favoritism is starting to tire me.
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I’m not calling anything. We see the same unreasonable claims constantly.
Thanks, I did check the attunement tracker and, for my Alliance main, it has the story requirement marked as complete (despite not having done it on alliance) but the rep marked as not complete (despite exalted on horde main). Ach well, we’ll see once the patch is out!
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I didn’t say that, I just said it’s an odd choice, since they usually try to make everything even.
I have completed the requirements on my Horde, not my alliance, I linked it above. Check your Horde.
I looked up that druid 
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It would have been odd to make it an Alliance exclusive reputation that had no connection to the Mechagnomes or Mechagon.