Mechagon lfd when?

The update post only talked about the new raid & nothing about mechagon.
Only interested in this just so i can complete the quest chain for the allied race. Kinda bs that the race i was so looking forward to playing is still locked behind mythic only dungeon while the foxes only require an easy quest chain & the rep grind. I was hoping they would lower the bar like they did with the kul tirans mythic dungeon which was lowered to heroic before the launch of the patch, but i guess its not happening this time.
Gonna come back to wow when the lfd version gets added.

Also sorry for the lack of paragraphs, typing this on mobile.

When people don’t fail the lfr tactics with 430+ gear


They wont Upgrade Mecagon Scaling for 8.3.

And he’s already easy to clear actually to be honnest.

Go for it ! :smiley:

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Sorry to hear, enjoy your free time :sun_with_face::+1:t5:

If you think doing a boss that only have 3 mechanics are hard…i have bad news for you :s

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Mech HC comes 8.3 which drops 15h Jan.


Mechagon is this expansion’s Karazhan.
Until 8.3 it will remain Mythic only.
At least the rewards are spicy :ok_hand:

Are they though, I’ve only ever bothered ok my druid :sneezing_face:

(are you okay, always see you using the sneezy emoji? :no_mouth:)
A dungeon that drops a mount and pets is always welcome on a weekly run chore list, + Trashmaster title cloak B)

I need those rank 3 alchemy recepies…

They said in 8.2.5 that 8.3 would bring herioc mode to OP Mech.

yea give me everything with no effort really good attitude , maybe put it on dungeon finder but dont rescale and dont chage any ability and than lets see how many ppl will finish it

Yep, i am aware.
Does it prohibit me to wish a person to have a good time meanwhile?

Because people with disabilities dont play right ?
Please stop trolling thanks.


Oh your in one of those moods today ok noted ignore Sab until he cheers up again and stops being sarcastic.

when troll asking to stop trolling

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I wished smth nice, its not a trolling

Btw watched two short movies about Venezuela and North Korea and i am just so glad and happy i am not there.
it feels so lucky to be a citizen of my puny and medium failed country.

dont even want to be edgy, just not be in a commie country

at least qoute whole post or u afraid to do that

As someone that has grinded the VoP on an alt this past month doing pugs I must say it has been a dreadful experience.