Mechagon lfd when?

this is multiplayer game this is not single player and i did mechagon few time i did over 300 + m+ keys on time on my druid just this season for my self for my guildies and i have not asked for why just give me time to help someone else first and it was from +2 all the to max what i can reach , just find guild of friendly people and met new interesting ppl in your life and socialize , it is true that u will not be invited into pug but with guild u can do a lot of things all what u need is to be nice and friendly ā€¦ even few jerks got more than they deserve so imagine if u are friendly guy which will tends to help what he can

Did you read my post at all if you did you wouldnā€™t have responded in such an inane manner . Please read it again and see the massive difference in your obtuse post .

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Entering a dungeon via lfd or manually forming a group and travelling there has no bearing on a game being multiplayer or single players, thatā€™s quite flawed logic.

Why does it matter how a group is formed, it doesnā€™t detract from all members being players, thus multiplayer.


I consider myself very friendly and helpful in wow. This isnt about me, or you. Its about those who doesnt have friends in wow, who doesnt like or dare to pug, who finds mythic scary or too hard, with social anxiety and so on. So i still dont get WHY it bothers YOU that this dungeon becomes accesoble to everyone 6 months after its release? :woman_shrugging:t3: Does it make your effort less? No. Does it mean u have to do it on LFD? No.


finding random guild is not that hard u dont need to get top guild just find medium progressed guild join them and play all of them their personal life and they know that everyone have own schedule but they play when they can , just find guild come to their social run raids , ask for help and also help when they ask and will not be any need to write something on forum

You are missing the point completely or you are reading it and choosing to ignore it people like you are ignorant towards people with disabilities that simple.

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Uā€™re just ignoring answering my question so i guess weā€™re done here.

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Bit silly that there is a complaint on a dungeon releasing on other difficulties.
How I wish it was just still normal and heroic dungeons. They could have easily bolted a + on heroic as well.


also to add that no one will expect 60k dps everytime sometime ppl just need someone to chill out on discord or just laugh how u die and from what and joke and have fun ā€¦ well maybe ppl will not take you to +15 but mechangon or similar difuculty is doable with guildies

Its the standard of troll we have to deal with now sadly that they think its ok to ignore people with disabilities.

Iā€™m done speaking to you as you are posting irrelevant drivel towards the topic in hand nobody asking for free stuff but carry on in your own world ingoring issues.

so what u want to play whole time with random ppl which never met you again this is just better to play single player and i bet ppl like u describe will be kick voted 100 times before even getting to last boss instead of hiding behind lfd get out and met new ppl talk to them and respect them and they will respect you for all your effort but i gues u are just unsocial toxic troll which got kicked for ever guild bcs of bad behavior in every guild

Iā€™m not entirely without sympathy for what heā€™s saying, the last run I did to finish my r3 essence the guy leading it was first time there, as was the other dps I think, or healer, we cleared without major incident, though without trying to sound arrogant, having someone highly overgearing it and knowing mechanics helped alot.

Point was, when we did finish and he got his essence, he was happy, both at the reward and that weā€™d pushed through it. Even captain sarcasm here was happy for the guy, so yeah, there is merit to the angle of ā€˜take the leap and do itā€™, but, and itā€™s a big but, not everyone can do that.

Which brings us here, while itā€™s nice to see someone experience that, we canā€™t expect everyone to be able to do the same. I mean even with the gear/experience Iā€™ve got, I donā€™t feel happy leading a group. And as youā€™ve mentioned thereā€™s the people with social or mental issues to whom that really isnā€™t an option.

You donā€™t even know me and what I am capable of you speak drivel ,you are the one being toxic iam afraid towards people who donā€™t want to join guilds or groups because of social problems but you clearly donā€™t understand that at all .Or the fact people have disabilities and want to do it in a easier level now please stop assuming things and read I shall not respond to your incoherent inane posts again.

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For those that wants to try mythic but dont have ppl to do it with, try the communities listed earlier up here. In Scared of Dungeons i know our leader regularly posts operation mechagon learning runs on the calendar.

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Stop being a negative nancy mr panda boy


This is the part he keeps ingoring on purpose I believe also physical problems aswell they should not be forced into groups/guilds if uncomfy.


They have. It was in the PTR notes. There will be a heroic version :wink:

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Daestry my girl, itā€™s time to just move on. No point in feeding it, they will not understand.


than what is point playing mmorpg that way i can play single player with random bots on easy difficulty