Mechagon mythic still not solo-able?

Noticed that in the anniversary pacth, there were adjusments maid to BFA/Shadowlands content to make them solo-able. Apparently they missed Mechagon, as HK-8 Aerial Oppression unit is still seemingly impossible.

I know about the cheese for running back to the entrance to avoid the wipe mechanic, but is the channeling part do-able and skill issue, or actually impossible?


mate just run to the entrance it takes 1 min

This has been soloable for years. The channelling mechanic can be soloed.

Huh!? I have been soloing this boss for mount for years already

I am so confused with this topic that I am not sure if you are serious or it’s a troll topic

Nah I tried it last night, you can’t click the pylons or am I missing something?

Do you even try to click the correct pylon xD ? Only 1 is active

Yeah the active one, it clicks but doesn’t go up on the counter and the blasts always knock you to the bottom again

So we must talk about 2 different bosses because I farm this mount on many alts for years without any issue :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice for you it’s bugged though

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