Mega vs warlock vs priest Melee fight

So i saw kel’thuzad in the new hs trailer going in like a battle mage and i got idea.

Who would win in a Melee combat
Would it be mage?

Would it be Warlock?

Or even priest?

I would pay good gold to see spell casters just punching and whacking each other with staffs and polearms.

Freaking gnome mage just bitting priest ankels XD

Kicking shins proves to be more effective.

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Considering that us superior priests have a higher base stat of both strength and agility than the other two scrub casters I’m pretty confident that my brothers and sisters would dumpster the competition in a brawl.



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Its pretty obvious if i can have my demon with me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I’d just re-mog my Malevolence weapon, thats got a sharp pointy bit for melee…


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How many people typed this comment?

If nothing but melee allowed then disc priests with that - 20% dmg inner fire thing buff.

If heals are allowed on top of melee, priests.
If fire armor mage with high crit, mage (heals disabled)
If warlock can use drain life/pet? Then lock . (heals disabled fel hunter dispels the fire shield)

My first thought was a scene from Buffy regarding Spike vs Angel…

But I think it would be the Warlock that would win… they have a demon to fight for them… :slight_smile:


The warlock would wave around its puny sword, the mage would swing his wand and the priest would smash their skulls with its 40kg steel bound spellbook he has been carrying since he was 5yo.

Do you even lift bro ?


Not much up for discussion.

Warlocks get swole :

The priest.

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Strictly melee?

Warlocks are fragile. Mage and Priest are both “normal” but Priest would have a higher health pool, so can take more hits.

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Priest I’d say. You didn’t ban shields and heals :slight_smile:

Whoever that activates more corruptions and essences while attacking.

If you’re lucky enough, you’ll even kill a warrior or other melee classes with just melee attacking.

Depends on what but realistically speaking I don’t think anyone can punch a warlock to death as a caster unless corruptions had anything to say about it. the passives demon armor and soul leech are pretty gross :stuck_out_tongue:

You have excellent taste in TV.

Mega vs warlock vs priest in melee?

Mind if I switch to survival spec first?

If no passives you have to acivate, spells or abilities, lock wins as their stamina base is vastly higher than the other two, much greater than the different in base strength between them. Not to mention soul leech keeps them going and you can’t turn it off.

If spells are allowed, well it’s not a melee fight then is it?

Boralus mage vs Orc mage in melee, would that make any sense?
both are beefed up people but they only use magic as their arsenal.
Like for guldan, he is a orc but isn’t strong when it comes to hand to hand combat.
its like having two wwe wrestlers who took the path of reading books and learn magic and than suddenly go in, with regular punches and whacks with staffs.

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