Melee Hunters

Why is everyone talking about shamans, when the most broken class and spec is without a doubt melee hunters, lol.

gotta agree. 2 button spam and i cant even get close to the same damage on some raid fights.

nice try. Obv. a troll :smiley:

Shamans best class for pvp and 3rd best dps in Raid.
Melee Hunter useless in pvp and 4th best dps in Raid. The recent nerf hit pretty hard.

idk. elemental shaman isn’t busted 1on1.
if you let ANY caster freecast in BG it’s your own fault.

for 1on1 just cleanse his flameshock or outrange his spells. a ret pala can just cleanse flameshock and its gg.
a shadow can either cleanse, dot & run out of range + come back with silence & nuke. have 4 pets on him to interrupt spell.
WL can play SL with felhunter.
rogue can vanish lavaburst & interrupt nature spells
hunter can FD & scatter. then outrange as range or just pummel BM as melee.

there are many counters.
every class get MANY major cd’s to change a fight. shaman don’t have one.

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Mkay any class can beat a shaman :crazy_face:

litteraly no one care about melee hunter , if anything it was way better when they were all playing it.

ranged hunter are so annoying in AB spamming trap launcher , legit the most annoying rune with homonculus

I agree nerf shaman, and give hunter self heal. dmg is fine on ranged hunting :slight_smile:

Rune? It’s original spell and talent, the rune only allows you to throw it which is also an original ability but later, compared to homunculus which is ridiculous invention for already busted shadowpriests.

Probably you don’t make any difference between BM and Melee hunter. The melee hunter is and should be Survival! If the change Raptorstrike talent and put it deep in the tree will have no more BM melee! And at least hunters like me which playing survival will be the only melee hunts!