It’s a simple question, has anyone got any tips on melee M+? Damage is fine it’s the amount of stuff that needs avoiding which seems mental and the random one shots, which admittidly most of the time is a. Positioning issue, I’m getting better every run when I try to push and I’m trying to learn ecerything on 3 and 4s before I try for the first time to actually push.
So Yeh was just wondering if people had any specific tips at all?
Lots of people putting WeakAuras or boss mods in the middle of their screen. As a generic tip I would say to make sure there’s nothing blocking your character view and the area around it, so you can clearly see the swirlies.
Other than that it’s good to be aware of the mechanics that trigger the swirlies. You can set your boss mods to alert you of them. Taking DBM as example, it has spoken alerts by default these days. If you have an old install you can change this to be VEM and pretty much all the mechanics it will tell alert you through a voice line when you have to dodge swirlies. This will greatly help you for mechanics that might not be obvious because of large boss models for example.
My last tip: don’t be afraid to walk out. It sucks when there’s consistent zoning but as long as you’re not playing outlaw it’s doable. Don’t be greedy.
Being greedy is definitly something I was doing last night, strangely enough I find grim batol no problem but siege of boralus and necrotic. Wake, my god! Haha.
I’m using little wigs at the moment as opposed to dbm, maybe I’ll try dbm tonight see if that works better for me.
Thanks for the advice I’ll act on all of this my dude!