Melee pressure getting nerfed or not?

Are you really implying that the second most represented melee in r1 range in 3s and most represented melee above 2900 ISN’T meta? That Ret Warr Fistweaver isn’t a meta comp? :rofl:


arms is busted but dont bother waste time with that pala who is someone who defended retocalypse lol

that guy had challenger for 2 season and nothing else and he took 2.1 on retri in season 1 during retocalypse with shuffle and came defend its state on forum vs anyone he see saying the game got ridiculous through patch, and his been like expert of anything related pvp ever since. no worth in any of his arguments when its this level dumb

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factual is that the +2400 shuffle consist mostly of ret,arms,ww,uhdk, aug, ele, boomy, 2700+ drustvar showing similar result, for 3v3 it looks to be retri,arms,aug on +2400 i dont have patreon to look higher and i dont care frankly i have more than i need

i dont say its the case with people here but its something ive thought in general that i think shuffle is deforming peoples view related the game cause the algos preventing them from seeing their own specs mirror there, so a dps of say retri dont propably know how common it is to see a lobby of retri in shuffle than what say healer sees

i have almost 3000 rounds healed shuffle out of boredom this season and i can say the specs i see most is arms,retri, boomy, ww, ele which seem to support the stats we can inspect on +2400, now these people complain of warlocks can be wrong in my eyes hence but i also understand they dont see the picture from other specs view how many retris and arms and whatnot from the top +2400 list there are compared to any locks now, i conclude that this algo preventing same specs for this mode is bad and doesnt give real value of peoples skill related arena when its not even real arena match hence as on real arena people have to know how to deal with their own mirrors aswell when in shuffle they do not so it is not accurate estimate of someones skill related arenas

mm hunter is also gets buffed single target damage/buffs to warrior …Blizzard failed pvp the whole expansion…the game is unplayable


shuffle is one big part of it and removing it would make game better for alot of specs as for arena you can build the comp for your spec when in shuffle its just matter of which spec has the most other specs it can work with and uncoordinated so that leaves quite many out to make this “main pvp event” which it even isnt concidering the algos making it not comparable to arena experience when people dont even fight their own specs when the game prevents it

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i wanted to get 2100 on warlock but warriors just are way too good against locks and they are everywhere so i wont even bother solo shuffle is bad but lfg also sucks


with your record your best option is go healer and head into arena but currently even those have been dead for month even tho it was last of the season, but this isnt gaining 2100 on warlock like you wanted tho, its just gaining the rating by minmaxing the options for it

i share your feel as i also like warlock and casters in general but im forced to play something else instead for entire season

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playing healer is pretty hard im not so good on heal and warlock i think i dont have the motivation to queue untill i get some decent lobbies that i can win

and lfg will be dead aslong shuffle exist so its a pickle, options limited, not very good as a situation i would say

next season might have better on lock but i doubt its enjoyable either as arms and many other are gaining so much and every lobby is just going to be them and you will never have enjoyable shuffle as warlock in any case, the mode is just not made for this type gameplay, good luck and hope you find something in this garbage expansion :clap:

ty enjoy yourself

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i cant i play casters or setup based specs and healers :joy:

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Why stop at the expansion, they have failed PvP for a decade at this point

Name three retri warr fistweaver teams that got rank 1 this season in 3s. Swear you are all complaining about the meta while none of you have actually achieved any real rating. You are all not qualified to even speak. The wow forums are a clown fiesta of dogS players.

yes i tip my hat for all arms and retri players this season they had hard time

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Aw mate, I understand. If I spent the last however many months playing 5k games of arena and the best I could manage was a r1 Shuffle spot where there were 30 places available, I’d be a bit disappointed too. Dw, go again next season, hopefully Augmentation Evokers are nerfed and you learn to stop killing yourself with Blistering Scales :slight_smile:

theres clip on bicmex shuffles from 4 days ago where 2870 shuffle ww tunnels each round on blistering scales and bicmex kinda loses his mind, we go into wowhead and everything to show the spell and explain the mechanic and whole bang it trigger him so much :slight_smile:

What do you mean they can’t press W on every single target and expect to win the game :open_mouth: That spec is broken if it requires them to use an ounce of brain power. Nerf it!

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ye ww also had hard season, ill rise hat to them too and their hard times

Ikr, thank god they’re nerfing Sporecloak. Out of the top 15 specs above 3k only 7 of them were melees, 5 were healers and 3 were ranged, with Ele shaman (bot tax) and Aug (?? Whatever it is) and Fire Mage.

Wild, Arms Warriors are more represented above 3k than every caster other than Ele, Fire and Aug. I thought ‘every caster is good into Warrior’, though?

Or if that sample size is too small we can look at 2900, where Arms is the second most represented melee spec and more represented than every caster other than Ele and Aug.

2800? 2nd most represented melee. More represented than every caster other than Fire and Aug.

Damn, if Warrior is this represented ‘even when it’s not meta’, can you imagine how insane it would be if it was?

Spoiler: it already is.


even tho arms were struggling the few persisted and pushed through against all odds

the most resilient ones, i rise hat to them too, they had hard times hard season