Melee pressure getting nerfed or not?

Ok then. Deduct survival, sub, enh and ret from melee. Those specs do dmg and cc from 30 yards or in the case of sub spend half the game running away. If dev and aug arent wizards, those 4 arent melee. If i kick a devoker, the casts stop and he cant do dmg. Therefore he is a caster. If i root a warrior the damage stops because he cant connect. If i root a ret and walk 10 yards away i still take full dmg rotation. Ret isnt a melee. Science is science :man_scientist: :bar_chart:

Run the numbers again and tell me did the % of wizards increase from 1800 to 2700?


They’re in the melee category. ‘Ranged’ is not the same as ‘wizards’.

Melees are stronger than wizards, it’s a factual truth. The fact you’re disputing it when the factual information is freely available to you is quite weird. Is biased an understatement?

Of course not. Cant kick rapid fire. They’re not wizards.

Just like you cant stop a rets dmg by rooting them, so they’re not melee.

Science is science.

I guess Warriors aren’t melee either then since they have Rend, Assa Rogues aren’t melee because they have poisons, Ferals aren’t melee because they have bleeds. Is that what you’re saying? :confused:

No. I cant reapply rend from 20 yards away. A ret can nuke you while standing below blades edge as you peak over the bridge. Can melees like warriors and ferals do that?

You cant have it both ways at once, dplover. Either mm is a wizard and ret is a melee, or mm isnt a wizard and ret isnt a melee. Personally i think option 2 is reality :slight_smile:

You just did not understand what i said, it takes little thought, here is the context

He is imitating you

And here is the full text from what you quote me

There is certain ammount i suspect people to understand, so what you call my writing as gibberish is infact me just stateing the undisputable fact that nothing gets stronger depending the rating as every class work and remain the same just like the fact that arms indeed is one of the best dps currently in the game hence remain strong in any rating just like spec viability tied on ratings would be unlogical as there is no such thing its a myth people keep spreading

Now is it true that higher you go people understand more and as not all things are always not on our hands it gets easyer? Sometimes yes and sometimes no, there is variables that can make aspects of this claim untrue example there are bad players even on high mmr

Now the only undisputable fact we can make is that every class indeed is as strong on rating x as it was on rating y when it began its pushing, everything else is variables and assumptions which are not constant

The one fact also remains that arms warriors are one of the best dps in the meta

Great news for the men

Brother I think you need to stop posting more on forums more than you actually play arena games.

Desperate to grasp at straws because you’re unequivocally wrong. It’s a factual, statistical truth that melees are stronger than wizards. Denying it is a true testament to your intelligence.


They hated Jesus for telling the truth as well. Notice how you dodged my scientific point to attack me instead. Very upsetting.

What point? Your nonsensical make believe world?

Even if you classed Ret as a ‘wizard’, there are still more melees at the highest rating than there are wizards, lol. Your fantasy world quite literally reinforces the point even more, so thank you for that.

Ironic from the guy that literally dodges most things I’ve said, then talks about a bracket that I wasn’t even talking about, was wrong about that one as well, and then ignores everything I say about AWC vs ladder.

Truth hurts, and the truth is that ret are wizards. I dont make the rules. If you can do 85%+ dmg from 15+ yards, you’re a wizard. Don’t hate the scientist for what he discovers.

Anyways i gotta go do more science. Cya boys!

You mean where using your science, you can make an argument that Preservation is the best healer and that Balance is the best caster? That in spite of a drastic representation imbalance at the highest ratings, you argue the inferior Wizard category is still ‘dominant’? That you refute/ignore (it’s ignore) the rebuttal to your argument of ‘wizards get stronger the higher they go’ which is a straight up lie and evidenced in factual statistics?

Is this a euphemism for ‘feed my plants because I’ve been :poop: posting on forums too long’?

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only casters that dont even cast.Maining warrs is like the biggest indicator of some skill issue imo

Can you imagine the meltdown of these Warrior players if at 3k rating in 3s there were 7 casters and 3 melees and caster players were arguing that ‘melees are dominant’? :rofl:

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there are other dps on the meta too ofc, but things have been good for arms and has been for some time heh

Amazing how much trash you can speak when you are mediocre at the game. When are you finally going to get good instead of wasting months of your life on these forums?

The only thing that can be a bit inacurate here is that most of these mages actually play Arcane or at least switch between specs.

I have a First Class Bachelors degree in Law and I’m in the middle of studying for a Masters degree. If I’m wasting my life, what on Earth are you doing?

What qualifications did you need for shelf stacking? A GCSE?

Clearly above mediocre. In fact, using your little friend Leech’s own logic here, I am in fact better than you because my peak is still higher than yours :slight_smile: Unlucky man, maybe next season you can spam another 3k games with r1 players and you might beat it.

You finished the season at 2843 in spite of spam playing thousands of games with r1 players (on voice), an impressive 286 rating higher than a Shadow Priest in a melee dominant meta that played 430 games on no voice and hasn’t queued 3s since September.

For the record: no, there’s not, especially from SP pov. They all play like monkeys and it doesn’t matter because the class is literally a walking counter to everything my spec can do.

Highest this season was 2960, 400 rating higher than you, you got anything better for an insult than stacking shelves. I suppose when you have to overcompensate for the fact you are mediocre at the game you have to pretend to have degrees and irl commitments.

If you can not attack the argument or the player, attack the person. What a loser you are, imagine sucking at everything you do in life. :rofl: