Melee Stun and MM Hunter

Been playing my MM hunter I am 420 ilvl, just how are you suppose to deal with this constant melee stun and burst ? By the time i get out of the stun I am virtually dead and if its someone with 450 gear then i am dead. You just hope you dont get targeted, not as if you can kite much get away from warriors dk rogues paladins anymore. Cant attack whilst turtled yet dk can with anti magic, paladins with bubbles etc. Self healing sucks am I just playing a bad class spec at the moment

From what I know survival only makes job on pvp. You can get more than 10.000k damage with survival depending on your group and gear. Because thats what my friend do.

In bgs you are basically a fragile vw beetle that is carrying a nuke in it. You stay with the team, you do not solo, you need to be protected by your tougher more armorwd friends to deliver your nuke.


MM is pretty bad in organised pvp, but I disagree with the mentality that you can’t kite or get away. One of the most important skills all ranged need learn is how to read an engagement / position and continue to reposition effectively within it, just as melee dps can’t over extend into the enemy team and risk being unable to be healed, we as ranged need to be wary of our proximity to opponents and their available gap closers. Even as a shadow priest you can continue to put yourself just far enough away that people need to put effort into connecting on you, and in random BGs that’s usually enough, on top of that a freedom + speed increase, as long as you’re retreating into your own team is usually enough to get someone off you.

As an MM hunter you also have an incredibly valuable tool for picking to damage whoever you want with relative impunity, sniper shot.

Ranged dps aren’t particularly good at wandering around as lone wolves, we have a range for a reason, and we’re most valuable when we put ourselves in positions where we can abuse it.


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