Normally I play ranged healer or a tank, but I am trying now to do melee DPS and it’s not even 100% melee.
What I notice a lot is me dodging circle on the floor, getting “stuck” on objects on a floor. How one does this? Take Priory, you got the concecration paladins, I am aware not to stand in it, but some tanks pull crazy, and I have noooo idea where to stand
Sure, I could take the “easy” way and change back to my BM hunter, but I want to try it I know the season just started, and I don’t need to be a “Pro” in 1 day, but I am trying to find solutions.
I also have a hard time selecting a mob in a group for interrupting, when there is like 20+ mobs. I do use a Plater Profile ( Jundies ) so I know to select a light blue nameplate. But even so, it sometimes takes time to select it, I try to select 1 before the pull, but some tanks go so fast and I am trying to avoid these “hunter, why you don’t interrupt” comments .
That is a good question. Because i have seen some Melee DDs do absolute wonders and dodge what I would consider “un-dodgeble”, plus Kick, PLUS pull of a perfect rotation and bust the DPS meters.
Every time I try to do it, I fail in such a comical way…
At least I can “Kill Command+Throw Bomb/Explosive Shot”, I do wonder how the pure melee DPS specs do it.
And I know not to stand in sh… (stuff ), but there really is sooo much stuff in some dungeons, and you got a place called Motherlode, these big mobs with those big green circles, and one fart too much to the left or right, and I pull a group.
Probably it takes time to adjust, for now I do M0s and try some +2s until I got them in my system. I also have a tank and a healer, with tank I have less issues somehow, and my healer is ranged.
I know one way where you jump a fence, I am sure the other one makes you walk first to the middle, then left, hug the wall or something. But so far I had tanks that had different choices lol!
True, I play VDH, and I follow Quazii Wow, for now I focus on knowing what to do, routes will follow, so I completely get it, and don’t blame them.
In the end, you can only do best routes, but at the start it is also good to know what mobs do that you normally skip, knowing what they do from a guide or video is different that actually experiencing it!
But in case of an accidental pull, you are sort of prepared :). My first pull in Cinderbrew was the groups on the right side of the room…but “someone” had Chef join the party. Now I know to be careful !
Unfortunately a lot of it is just a matter of practise. Knowing which mobs cast which abilities that leave crap on the floor, how those abilities are targeted, whether the crap moves and so on. There are addons that can help. I personally use LittleWigs, the dungeon version of BigWigs, which calls out specific abilities. There’s also addons like GTFO that just play loud obnoxious sounds when you’re standing where you shouldn’t, that can work to condition you.
This can be alleviated somewhat by making a mouseover macro for interrupts, if you don’t already use one. It saves you the time of actively clicking/tabbing over to a casting mob, by casting your interrupt on whatever your mouse pointer is aiming at. For a hunter, it would look something like this:
Yeah I made the choice to practise, it’s easy to change to my BM hunter but I choose different things for the challenge. Also started doing mistweaver a bit, and it’s less annoying on some melee fights as I assumed.
Just did TOP+2 with a BM hunter, he died 2 times on the last boss, and I didn’t Slow progress!