Memory did not drop from Torghast

Did Coldheart Interstitia with my Rogue today, and the related Memory (Zoldyck Insignia) did not drop. (Just the 305 Soul Ash dropped.)

I had all the prerequisites as stated by this article:

(layer 3, and quest Reawakening completed before)

It’s not a 100% drop. High-ish chance, but not 100%.

Are you sure?

Asking because:

  • The above linked support article doesn’t mention a non-100% drop chance
  • I got all available Torghast Memories on 4 other classes, and each single one dropped on the very first layer-3 run

Yes, I am sure:

Thanks for the info and the link, @Ancelyn. So, it seems I was pretty lucky with all my first-try-drop Memories on the other classes.


I think you really should add this info (not 100% drop rate) to your support article.

(I mean, the topic of the article is “Didn’t Receive Runecarver Memory Power from Torghast”, and a non-100% drop chance is definitely worth mentioning in that context.) [see update below]

Update (2020-03-10):

Today I received a reply from the Customer Support (ticket EU76868785):

Game Master Vandreanelyn here, and I understand that we didn’t get Memory of the Zoldyck Insignia after completing a run in Torghast. I know that’d be frustrating, but I’ve had a chance to check this out.

I verified you completed Coldheart Interstita on the correct level and had completed the quest, Reawakening. Since we met all of the requirements, I’ve sent Memory of the Zoldyck Insignia to you. You’ll be able to pick this up from the mail and add it to your legendary powers the next time you login. =)

Thanks for getting in touch with us today. I hope this helps out and that you have a great rest of your day!

[emphasis by me]

In fact, I did find the missing Memory in my mail box this morning.

I see this CS reaction as an indicator that the Memory drop chance in Torghast is indeed meant to be 100% (guaranteed), and that my non-drop was a technical glitch.

If this is the case, then the Blizz support article linked in my OP is also correct in not mentioning drop chance as a possible cause of failure.