Mentor System requirements

I’m not sure if this makes much sense considering people commonly purchase both arena ratings as well as boss kills on mythic raids.

Would those type of people be ideal for a mentor? As a matter of fact, I’d personally say yes to that, but not for the reasons you might think. The achievement requirements are a tad silly. You don’t need to have this particular experience to educate new/returning players on what the various parameters involve, but more importantly, owning these achievements does not equate to you having the experience they indicate.

Is it to make it desirable to be a mentor? Credibility? Of course a new player wouldn’t know that these achievements often haven’t been achieved legitimately. More interesting perhaps is just how telling it is of the dynamics of achievements in WoW today, boosting communities and whatnot.

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Is there even a reward to became mentor?

Title, I think. It’s almost the in-game equivalent of being given MVP status imo.

I imagine they are going for ‘well rounded individuals’ who play all aspects of the game and also have some knowledge of classes.

Although my personal opinion is they then miss out on people who would be excellent mentors but they may not do pvp, or maybe they pvp but don’t raid, or maybe they just run keys :slight_smile: I just think it narrows down your options of choice if you are looking for people who do a bit of everything.

I don’t know but maybe it would be easier to ask for mentors in specific areas, so a new player who wanted to pvp could ask the mentor who pvp’s but does not raid. If the new player wanted to raid they could ask advice from the raider mentor and so on. And then have other mentors just basically for general game information/gameplay.


No. Requirements are way too low. Ideally, a mentor should be someone who

  • has done all dungeons/raids
  • has the loremaster
  • over 15-20k achievement points

Mentors should be people who know the game. With the current one almost everyone can be a helping hand.


Although I agree with you on people who know the game, I tend to somewhat disagree with some of the other points:

For every single expansion? Or in BfA only? I mean at what point do we say someone is knowledgeable about current raids? When they clear normal or heroic or mythic?

An achievement that takes time rather than skill, I have Loremaster but I know for certain I would not make a good mentor.

Again achieved over time and doesn’t really show that you are knowledgeable in all areas of the game.

So for me (just from forum chat) somebody like Gráinne would make an excellent mentor although I have no idea whether they would wish to be so. But when I see their posts, they do tend to have extensive knowledge and always post helpful answers, I would assume they would give the same knowledge in game :slight_smile:


I started playing in 8.2 so I have none of those requirements but I can certainly be a mentor for any healing class and dungeons/raiding from experience I got from climbing up the difficulty in ladder on my own. Time spent and invested doesn’t mean efficient knowledge gain.

With the current one almost everyone can be a helping hand.
You say this like it’s a bad thing?

Lol. There’s no reward for this, it’s for people that genuinely enjoy helping others (though I’m sure some toxic people will abuse it, but it will be a minority.)

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I’m not sure what Blizzard’s idea is with this system, and the generic label of “mentor” could cover many types of interaction.

What I have read before is that the system is for a Mentor channel, in which newbies can ask questions. That’s it. Of course, further interactions could happen from there; mentors could meet and party with newbies to help, for example.

So mentoring, in Blizzard’s view, has no clear bounds. Just throw an idea out there and see what happens.

There are lots of ways for bad interactions as well as good ones, on both sides. I think we’ve all known teachers who mastered their subject very well, but not how to teach it. Simply answering questions from the channel should be mostly fine, since trolling or wrong answers will be corrected, but I would be a little concerned about new players getting frustrated with conflicting advice. Navigating the Krazy Golf of unlocking stuff at 120 today is frustrating as hell for anyone whose mind is not corkscrew-shaped, and this doesn’t seem to be getting any better in Shadowlands. New players who are already frustrated in that way won’t take well to different directions.

Thank you! :slight_smile:

I’m dubious, and I won’t be signing up initially; I get enough in the Newcomers forum, where they are all genuinely looking for advice. I don’t think I could sign up anyway, since I have barely played BfA.


I think some kind of requirements need to exist to avoid those who would just seek to troll new players and this system.


3 max level toons, 3k quest completed, and do some world content? Shouldnt like 80% of the playerbase be eligible to be a mentor?

I would up the PvP requirement to Gladiator, the M+ one to Keystone Master (instead of conqueror), and make the Nzoth & Carapace kills Heroic & Mythic only.

No. And I hope there won’t be any. You would only help people for a reward?


I didn’t mean to put you forward as a Mentor, more the case of an opinion of somebody who I believe is knowledgeable and puts effort in to helping people with quite detailed and helpful replies on the forum, qualities ideal for such a position, I hope I didn’t offend you :slight_smile:


I think the requirements are a bit wierd.

Presumebly the mentor system is to help new players right? People who are going to have questions about where things are, how to find zones, how mounting works, swapping specs, maybe some general grouping tips and raiding tips.

I fail to see what timing a 10 key has to do with this, or reaching a certain PvP threshold, or even doing Nya’lotha.

Maybe misunderstanding what the mentor system is meant to be. If it’s meant to be “wowhead, in game” then I guess I get it, but I thought it was pitched a bit lower than that given its aimed at newer players?

I’m not even sure I qualify, I have the quest and toon ones easily, but with the others I’m like 9/10 on most of them. I haven’t bothered to raid Nya’lotha to Nzoth, I haven’t pvped since the very beginning of BFA and I think I’m one maybe two keys out of the mythic one with the being done 8/9 highest, whereas I’ve done 15s on others. My titan research is one skill out, and I’m currently on a wow break. I’m excluded. Returning to WoW when I find the patch otherwise not that interesting to simply do one or two things to magically make me mentor ready is not exactly something I’m up for because it just seems arbitrary.

Which feels kinda bad to be honest. I’ve played the game since inception and each expo I’ve done “a bit of everything” at points, though usually focusing on one thing a bit more than others, but I’m not mentor material because I haven’t done X key 1 level higher, or done an LFR. I mean the requirements aren’t high, I just see them as arbitrary honestly.

To me the entry should be low, the policing of the channel should be high, so you kick the trolls out. But as said, maybe I’m misunderstanding what a mentor is meant to be, which I suspect is the case.

I just don’t think this is something you can measure by what people have done, you have to measure what they actually do in the role. Having 3 120s, 3k quests and 10 in all dungs doesn’t magically make someone a capable mentor compared to someone with 9 in all dungs, unless you’re claiming the lynchpin of a mentor is experiencing the seasonal affix at least once in each dungeon (which is a wierd lynchpin)


Who has all 5 secondary requirements guys?
Humblebrug pls, I wanna know whom I can expect to be a potential el mentore?

You only need 2.

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New guys are so doomed :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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I think I have a similar misunderstanding then Paxmillian, the criteria given for Mentoring makes little sense to me too.

New players do not come in game and immediately think of high level keys and mythic raiding, this is something they may work towards, but initially I would think they would appreciate help in the areas you say


They have a strange requirement for mentor to give these tips

The reward is you gonna make a friend ?

Why should every systems should give a reward ?
The systems is here in case a new player is lost and you will be happy to help him, not to treat the new player as a object for reward.

Because the community began to be more selfish than blizzard is obliged to make a systems to know who want to help and who want not.


I agree if it gives any reward it won’t help the case
Gonna be just title farm for senior players