Mercenary Camps Near Dungeons

I have an idea which can solve the LFG/LFR problems. The idea is simple. Near EVERY dungeon entrance in the game there could be a little campfire with some NPC mercenaries. Those mercenary NPCs would allow hiring other mercenaries. You could hire up to four such mercenaries. If you want to run the dungeon solo, then you would hire four. If you want to tank, you would hire 3x DPS and a healer, etc. This would allow SOLO players to run EVERY dungeon in the game. If you happen to have a single friend to play with, THEN you would have to hire only three mercenaries. This solution doesn’t require any dungeon retuning. It requires only having those bots tuned, so that they can execute their rotations decently with some basic awareness of tactics and mechanics. LFG/LFR should stay… just don’t FORCE me to play that to get gear. -_-


There will be delves in the future expansions.


In a few weeks we’ll have AI companions for DF normal dungeons so your wish will be fulfilled, for DF anyway :slight_smile:


Concept originally from Guild Wars 1 (afaik) with the hero system.

FFXIV took it in a similar route but without the skill customization/building.

Seems WoW is going that route too. But at any rate these Ai aren’t made for hard/higher content.

Bots don’t have to be smart. It’s just a matter o tunning some numbers. Bots don’t have to be like players. They can be MUCH simpler in design.

Of course, in FFXIV the bots are specifically programmed to deal with each boss mechanics, they do sometimes fail though.

Sometimes they also have some trouble to get out of simple AoE, so while they can be relatively helpful, I don’t think the Ai will be smart enough to be quick to deal with the multitude of debuffs & mechanics from M+ or raids.

You can inflate their HP/defense to compensate but they still can and will get hit by oneshot mechanics.

IMO, bots should be viable ONLY up to Heroic. Dude, this is an MMO. You are expected to play in groups… sometimes. I think that M/M+ should be playable without bots ONLY, because if you allow bots in M/M+, then it TOTALLY devalues the whole “pushing” side of the game.

Will those bots put items they don’t need for roll?

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Thats a good question actually:O Will dungeons with bots in it drop as much loot as a normal 5 man dungeon or is that nerfed. Otherwise if all loot goes to the only player then it wouldnt really feel fair

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oh finally. in fact i run just low level dungeon and ppl dont talk at all. so it would be the same.

Maybe bot decides to disenchant item for the sake of trolling. :joy:


Even better if it the bots say toxic stuff after doing so


From what I understood, loot drops have been tweaked so that you can get only one, maybe two, loot drops per AI dungeon, to mirror the real experience. But I read about that on the US forum a while back, I haven’t checked it myself and they may still be finetuning this system.

The xp supposedly is rather crap, so all in all it seems more of a ‘finish your questline, or try a new role’ thing than a genuine replacement. Which I get.

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It’s been in testing so we don’t really know what the final iteration will be until it launches.

There have been some really funny errors in testing including the entire AI group leaving the player alone in the dungeon. :dracthyr_hehe_animated:

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Yes, hilarious screenshots and commentary! :smiley:


First, this is being implemented and will be live in 10 days (Jan 17) for normal dungeons

Second, you cannot get rid of LRF for any king of content that “matters”, that is to say - end-game content. You can’t expect NPCs to play for you and get you the best rewards.

But for very casual content, you will have it

wanna bet that after its get released there will always be some people who make topics about the bots also needing to go to m+ and riaidng so they dont have to deal with people at all


My MAIN idea is that this dungeon bot system should allow you to gear up for M/M+ solo. This is the core of my proposal. The idea is that you gear up SOLO and then you are funneled into the hardcore group content: M/M+, where you must play with people. This way players could prepare for hardcore team play solo. Those mercenary camps would also feel like an RPG, because you would have to travel to them on foot, which removes that “technical”/mobile feeling of the LFG/LFR system where you wait for some kind of UI panel to pop, with those abrupt teleports in an out of a dungeon. It’s possible to add some nice lore to those mercenaries, so that players would feel immersed in the… World of Warcraft. Another advantage of this system is that you would be able to CHOOSE your favorite dungeon and you would be able to run it 10x in a row, if you please. There would be also absolutely no long “dungeon queues”, so you could have more runs per hour.

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That started already tbh.

Yeah before the npc partmemebers got announced already. But once npc partymemebers become a thing they are likely to get way more focal about it needing to be everywhere in the game

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