Merge dead servers or offer free transfers

That is illegal server practice and Blizzard can not afford to use that because of ToS. Thieve server dont have ToS, so they can do whatever they want.
We pay to acesss the server and play, with faction queues half of your guild couldnt log in for raid and there would be outrage since Blizzard couldnt maintain a service people pay for.
That is why there is no easy solutions.

I am not paying for a service that should be offered in the first place.
This is partially a direct cause of the stupid decision to create samefaction PVP, a decision made by blizzard.

Razorgore on alliance side is slowly perishing, and it feels like it has been snowballing over the last week.
This should be a simple business decision by blizzard, either they do it for free and retain some number of subcount, or they don’t and alot of people including I will simply end my subscription

What exactly do you want them to do?

My guess is free transfers for every realm to any realm they want.

You are ofcourse free to do however you please.
Thousands of players never came to forum, they just paid for transfer and keep playing.
For me, tbcc is well worth it and deserves paying to transfer.

let them do what they just did for the us servers. free transfers from all the dead realms to medium size realms

Not only dead realms, but also realms with severe population imbalance.
(Severe) population imbalance slowly but surely will kill a server, and there is ZERO need to watch the cat slowly die over a few months. You either help it, or kill it.

Aside from all the obvious problems a low pop count on 1 faction has namely economics and group finding, there are other things that slowly eat away at you.
I.e. if we start any raid, most of the people in our guild now start entering the actual INSTANCE a half an hour earlier. Simpy because it takes at least 1 corpserun, if not multiple, to even enter a raid. There are at any point in time often 3-4 full horde raids waiting outside gruul and SSC, and before p2 Kharazan.
There is no point in even trying to contest that, since the current estimations are a 1:6 ratio between horde and alliance.

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Yeah, that would just ruin the balance of the few balanced medium servers

There are way too many horde on these servers, wouldnt work

There are way to many alliances on PvE servers, i’m playing horde on Mirage-Raceway.

They’ve shown in retail they can do controlled transfers, like; server X to server Y horde only.

They can do that here also


  • Objectively false, overall population numbers are actually closer to 50/50 than ever, sitting at 46% alliance and 53% horde, so pack that corpse and bury it already.


  • Well, for one, the low population horde-only ‘dead’ mono servers could easily be merged with servers that have a vast alliance majority.

Gandling - 835 horde players
Stonespine - 975 horde players
Dreadmist - 727 horde players
Ten Storms - 123 horde players
Flamelash - 61 horde players (Lol)
Skullflame - 563 horde players (76 alliance players)

All these servers are EU English PVP horde mono servers.
835+975+727+123+61+563 = 3284 horde players in total - close to the exact number it would take to balance a realm like Earthshaker, putting it at 5957 alliance players vs. 4277 horde players which keeps it an alliance majority server, at least until horde players from other servers get tempted to transfer there from slightly-still-alive horde mono servers like Noggenfogger.
i would include noggenfogger in the idea for this merge, but they have 3000 players on there, so they aren’t in as desperate a situation as the servers named above 

But lets just continue to act like nothing can be done to fix the problem.

Yes, this isnt fault of hvh, its fault of tbc.

Well, i would get it if you would make mono server out of the all dead servers, that would be fair. But trying to make it balanced seems kinda unfair to the noggen bois doesnt it?

Btw there is no qay horde would balance that server after your change, transfers only go to yyour favorite faction servers.

This works if you count in the PvE realms.
Otherwise, it’s 38% - 62%

Yeah, we get our guildies to park near SSC for this.
Just a load of horde camping outside SSC non stop.
A lot of them just waiting to kill solo alliance players walking up.
All this’ll end up doing is making more and more either transfer off or quit.

Our server’s now 27% - 73% lmao.
Literally 2.6x more players than us.

Think I’m like this as well.
If Razorgore gets even worse, I’m not paying even more just to keep playing the game.
Why give Blizzard even more cash for something that they could’ve prevented / offering free transfers to these servers now?

They could literally add bloodfang/dragonfang/judgement onto us and it’d help balance it out a bit more.

Don’t forget about us few Alliance on servers like Stonespine - there’s actually 975 horde and 17 Alliance here

They won’t merge, no mather how necessary it is. They rather have 100 people pay for transfers and let the rest just quit playing (which I will be doing if they don’t merge). Blizzard has no long term vision.

Perhaps there is a legal possibility. As in people are paying to play the game, but they can’t because there are no players left on their servers UNLESS they pay extra to move their characters. Blizzard only seems to understand lawsuits so perhaps that’s the only way.
Seems drastic but I’m not seeing them pay attention to their own customers otherwise.

player shouldnt pay 1 cent for Blizzards mess

oh and dont worry the sale server xfer got used enough that my server grew thousands of people on horse side within two weeks

obviously those players would be transferred along with everyone else. im sure they want more people to play with as well.

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