Merge Dragonriding with Old Flying

Dragonriding should be merged with old flying, instead of kept separately.

  • Without using vigor, all flying mounts should be able to flying at regular speed (310%) and hovering in air.
  • When using vigor, all flying mounts can perform dragonflying abilities and reaching 830% max speed.

So any flying mounts can at least flying 310% and hovering in any situations (without using vigor), and can flying max 830% with dragonriding abilities when using vigor.

This keeps the strengths and advantages of both flyings and has neither of the weakness. It will be very useful for anyone who wants fast travel, while mining and herbaling at the same time. And it is a QoL improvement for everyone.



You do not speak for “most” players. Only a few hundred people use these forums and there are hundreds of thousands that play the game.

So this is your opinion based upon a concept that you do not personally like.

Deal with it and move on!


Why the rage and bashing? Take a chill pill man.

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It is an improvement but damn it makes the mounts quite Overpowered :sweat_smile:

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They just need to make the mount change instant instead of 5 seconds.

Jesus calm down there.


Honestly that is what this spamming of threads like these does with people. It’s irritating and it’s just way out of proportion.

I’m not excusing rude behaviour, but I do understand where it’s coming from.


No rage or bashing. Just saying the truth, which unfortunately for some people is “offensive” to them :wink:

I do hear that 5 seconds is a lifetime for some people as well :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I do find it extremely amusing that some of you actually think I’m “raging”.

When someone doesn’t agree with you, “omg he’s so rude, and he’s raging omg!”. Sorry, but there are people in this world who do not share the same opinions and if someone is giving you an ounce of truth & common sense, they’re not offending you, you’re being offended all by yourself :wink:


5 seconds of pointless changes that can be instant. And that 5 seconds adds up overtime. Stop crying.

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1st world problems right there ladies & gentlemen!


If you’re already in flight, that’s almost exactly what you get already.

I think not being able to slow down below 310% will feel weird though.

There is this somewhat annoying issue where taking off requires a Vigor. Maybe it shouldn’t…

I don’t agree with your core idea though.

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Crybaby right here ladies and gents.

Don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

It really is sad to see what a mess this game has become.

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omg this person is wishing violence upon me! Blizzard I’m offended! Please ban this individual from the forums!!!


C’mon open the borders!!!

Don’t be a racist !!! ( I mean people in Europe they prefer a lower wage …high pricing on everything , being in depression everyday rather than be called the left-word Racist )

So about this post … nope .

The mount is going from 310 to 420 speed and thats a massive boost.
Dragon riding provide a engaging gameplay system , that you must use at 100% to get the benefit .
Adding the 420 speed passive to the already engaging system of reaching 830 is just to overpowered .

Another problems is that the Bots are going to have an already more easy farm way ,meaning people with gathering professions are going to be screwed over and over .

A Second problem is that your going to spend less time into the game by completing the activities that are supposed to be a time sink for the player.

I don’t think you would understand but playing less into a game is bad for the economy of the game .

No thanks…

I will move on. To Dawntrail lol.

People can always read the title and ignore the thread

The idea that the forum and other online platforms are entirely separate from what the general playerbase thinks is asinine. Yes, 99% of the players will stay silent about pretty much anything and everything because they simply don’t engage in online game discussions in general.

When there’s change in the game, and it results in a flood of complaints, it doesn’t mean that it’s only forum/reddit users that don’t like it. It doesn’t mean that the 99% of players who didn’t post anything are OK with the change. It just means they didn’t voice their opinions.

Even if it’s just a few hundred people, it’s still a sample of the playerbase that isn’t isolated. It depends on the context obviously, like when a few hundred mythic raiders demand changes that benefit mythic raiding but affect everyone else as well, it’s probably not a good idea to act on it, but when a few hundred players of all kinds complain about how their mounts work, it’s a completely different case.

The flight style change is a QoL reduction for a lot of people of all backgrounds, not just a few forum users.

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Sounds like a good idea to me. Using the hover skill to stop using skyriding mid-air and ascend to start would be great. Honestly can’t see why anyone wouldn’t want this kind of thing. No downsides, except that your default hotbar would have to change even when steady flying.

Don’t think we’ll ever see it happen though without a huge surge of players requesting it. Dragon/Skyriding is an expansion feature and that expansion is over. Blizz probably consider the development on it, other than bugfixes, to be complete.

I don’t see why anyone is against this either. It keeps both flying styles in a same mount. Anyone can fly the way he wants, without the need of switching mounts.

There is no downside. And the only change will be rearranging few hotkeys.