Merge servers now or give free transfers today

Crusader strike is pretty much dead. It’s very hard to find anyone to do lower level dungeons with to level alts etc. It’s 2024 why are Blizz even using this outdated server system. Plenty of other games don’t do this.

Give us free transfers to other realms or merge the servers this week. I’m not paying 19£ for one server transfer. That’s two months of wow sub…I’d rather just go buy a whole other game.

-easy explanation
-multiple servers > multiple economies
-multiple economies > higher “need” for bots. 1 botter will make bot account on each server to make more money
-more bots > more subscriptions
-more bots > more accounts
-more accounts > more lucrative when calculated ban waves occur since bots will rebuy new accounts
-game hits lvl 60 > bots are less needed because there will be no massive new things
also, game is dying so now they want to service the few real players that are left because without them bots won’t be needed anymore and obviously the game will die for good
-it is all very simple and they are just trying to milk the player base as much as possible for their money. all that matters is $. why do you think all their content is based on old content (i’ll tell you… you don’t have to pay developers for new stuff :smiley: )

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Cute and all except for one thing…

Bots don’t pay the subscription because they’re using the wow token from retail/cata so there’s absolutely no benefits for blizzard to keep them and that’s why they’re banning them by wave to prevent the adaptation of the bots to blizzard’s detection system

Unfortunately, that is wrong. Even if the bots only buy the token via retail, Blizzard still earns from it. Because the tokens are bought by other players who want gold.

Yes and on top of that then blizzard earns 20€ per month instead of 13€.