Merry Christmas

Greetings dear citizens of Azeroth, I just wanted to say Merry Christmas. Unfortunatly I won’t be able to spend it with any of you since I had some one break in my old a appartment to steal one of my dogs and assult me.

I’m safe and happy now tho I’ve moved to a new appartment its just that in the aftermath of the break in my pc got caught in the crossfire when I tried to stop the attacker from walking away with my dog.

It sucks that I’ve not been able to play or chat with you guys for so long now and I really miss you.

And it feels wierd to not celebrate my Warcraft Christmas in game however im making the best of it so I’m currently drawing an Orc!

Schools going good aswell I passed this semester, I’ve got no date of return to Azeroth ingame since I don’t know what components are damaged and which are not, it will be alright when the time is right, you’ll see me again handing out machines and trinkets and what knots until then I just wanna say Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Sincerely/// Watt champion of gnomergan


Your life sounds not boring at all. Like the oposite of boring. Exciting? Nerve-wrecking? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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