Message to the horde

dear Horde,

Can your little brain understand that you win nothing by killing low levels while you are 40+ ?

how sad is your life by doing it ? it’s not pvp to kill someone lvl 20 when you are 30+

you are just all cowards, and you know it.

pissing people off to fill your crappy life won’t help you in the least.



whelp, its not like thats a horde only problem.
did you ever heard the name “Criminal”?
Its an alliance fellow who ganks every horde player in hillsbrad.
And today a 60 dwarf priest named “Dream” ganked everything at the zoram’gar outpost.

And its not even a problem to call them out in the forums, because they did nothing forbidden. We all just can imagine what social problems these gankers have. But at the end they can gank whatever and whoever they want.

some tipps to avoid most of them:

  1. grind dungeons as much as you can
  2. if you are in the open world, try to find a group. This will give you atleast some advantage to gankers in your level range, but surely wont work for level 60s.
  3. thats why you should call out high-level-gankers in the local defense channel. I mean the chances are low but not zero that a high level fellow will follow your call.

stay strong and be sure that the leveling chars on horde side have the same problems like you.

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Criminal kills me for three hours while i was leveling-2 dayz ago. - it is a Dirty part of the game for the last 17 years - i was doing same things during the golden hours of vanilla - Hope you fell after your post cause obviously who cares ?

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It’s lame to do this. However your alliance friends aren’t a bit better. There is two names that you will get to know if you level as Horde in Hillsbrad. Criminal and Gankbert. They are there every day for hours and they only thing they do is ganking lvl 20 - 30 every single day. They go from the village to the mine and target specifically people that are questing.

I would suggest going into another zone for leveling. There are other zones that are not as contestet and you won’t find these idiots there.

It’s not really worth to get angry. You must just imagine how much of a pathetic life they must have to do this all day, every day.
Gankbert is a german that most likely sits on social benefits since years.

I pushed trough this zone with questing in a day and gladly don’t have to get camped by a sad individual

As the counterpart of opposing faction on equivalent of the one percent faction, I would like to add that we do not encourage such kind behavior towards specific players at certain range of levels and every zug’s life matters to us the same regardless of the zug level.
On side note we will also be happy to see more people on our ICC roster and raids as this is a crucial activity for the peaceful occupation of Gehenas.

As a member of the opposing faction on your server, and with a very reliable sneaky source to your guild’s discord, I know this is a blatant lie. Why have a channel called #kill-list if what you are saying is true?
It’s Horde vs Ally, will always be. Just funny laughing at the minority faction trying to ‘enjoy world pvp’, you’re on the wrong expansion boys, world pvp was a vanilla thing.

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