Meta cd 2mins plz blizzz

Reduce meta cd 2min blizz its retarted that this ability is 4mins cd


Please also make Lay on Hands 30 sec cd, it already causes Forbearance so you can’t chaincast it

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Thats a whole difrent thing lol. Wings are already 2min cd

Meta is such a trash ability. I’d give up meta happily if they’d buff anything else


All the other classes have their best dps cd in 2min
 meta isnt even good in terms of dps and it has 4min cd 


Hi mate.
I’ve made a VERY long post where i deal with (i think) every problem DH have. you can check it out here.

I would like to hear what you think about my Metamorphosis changes.

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This !

Bump !

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Meta should be permanent, like warrior stance, with some drawback ofc.

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wish there would be an option to remove meta forever and instead buff all ST skills

give it back pls :o

id take 3min meta with a return of a Bloodlet and baseline master of the glaive :slight_smile:

Lorewise, it was never yours to begin with.

True. It’s like none of these locks played warcraft 3

hmm read somewhere it wasn’t locks to begin with, was dhs but the class wasn’t in the making so they gave locks the ability but anywho both locks and dhs can have similar abilities since they both dabble in fel and demons :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

actually would be great if lock get a 4 min meta and dhs get the 2 min version since we cant be demons much. So yeah, blizz, give locks 4 min meta and give us 2 min notmetameta. :smiley:

i dont know, dh meta is like fusing it self with a demon and using is borrowed power, while warlocks practiced to much shadow magic that they start puting it on them selfs. its kinda diferent use of the power.

Meta was only so strong because of the defensive toolkit it brought or leech no one plays leech anymore so there’s no reason for meta to be 4 min

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I think meta should be 2 min cd too, but to compensate, a flat 10% dmg reduction to all abilities.

make it 20% so we can just run around as demons with pom poms and cheer for the rest of the 19 ppl in the raid.

Metas already crap cd for a 4 min nuke cd. Getting it to 2 min would just go in line with the crappiness of a dmg buff it provides

What’s up troll
I wish to found you in game to kill you like rat

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ugh what? that was a month ago lol. kill me with what? your 400 dmg chaos strike? lel