[Meta] Worth the effort?


Iron-Body Ponshu, Senior Master Ox, has come to me with a message for you, Mogi.

Your path is known by those who raised you. Who taught you the ways.


It’s a funny meme but I don’t really see myself as neutral in any of this, I have my stances in the matter. PCU as a community = good, a lot of their forum conduct/racism in their discord = bad. It’s not very neutral, it’s black as white as my fur.

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Showing what is behind someone’s motivation is important for both the discussion and his honesty. My post is basically calling him dishonest - which implies that he is writing anything to get what he wants to a point we can’t take seriously what he says. I just called him out on that.

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What do you mean by “racism in their discord” as someone who has never at any point in their life been in the PCU discord? Perhaps you mean your own guild’s chat channel and made a typo or something

Can’t wait for you to PM me an apology in a few hours like last time btw


What are you talking about?

You have never been in our discord what are you on about

there is also no racism or anything offensive in the PCU discord surely you can imagine we have tight rules if we want to keep 170+ ppl together

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You run the AD Discord man. The discord that has “WE WUZ KINGS” memes with any dark skinned addition (from people in the PCU), rampant transphobia in the Trash/Anime section, and the N word on a free pass all round.

PCU discord officially or not, it’s a Perroy-run discord.

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I’ve only been a part of the pcu for a short while now, (not even on their general discord) but I have yet to see any racism.

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This is flatly untrue - in fact, there is a bot that specifically removes that kind of thing and moderators that do the same if it’s flagged up. Sure, it’s a 1000~ player channel that is not moderated to the same extent as the PCU discord - but ultimately I am not actually paid to watch it 24/7 and only react to things I notice or am shown

We have had this exact conversation in another thread and you made these exact points and had this explained to you. You might remember apologising to me for them at length - are you retracting that apology just because you’re heated on the forums at the truth that all you do out here is post about how things should be better and how things are lame on Argent Dawn while doing absolutely nothing to change it for the better?

Honestly, come off it. You’re a dude with no opinions beyond wanting to mope and wanting people to think you’re a pleasant person but that is not an accurate representation of you at all

Edit: in fact, the latest use of [a very unpleasant word] in AD/D was by … you

You really do just talk the talk, don’t you?


Which is generally them going between debating and just having a cheap laugh. It’s nothing serious and generally it’s what’s what the forums do.
The main issue the PCU might bring would come in the form of threads being brigaded and certain guilds not being able to post without that happening but that’s always been a big issue even before the PCU.

Please provide evidence which shows it wasn’t just them messing about with edgy jokes.

That other post was talking about Mogi and Perroy’s argument. Not yours Ath. XD

I’m afraid this just isn’t true. Transphobia and racism is not tolerated and is deleted + people are banned / kicked / given a punishment discord role pretty diligently (i can send you screenshots of the discord audit log if you want lol)

but i assume you’re downloading this opinion from a certain obsessed tumblr page posting screenshots of dodgy posts made at 4am when the mod team is asleep


When arguing profusely with someone about why using the N word is v bad + the quote you’re referring to was me talking about what I was called in high school; at least be honest about your points.

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Oh, so it’s OK to say because “muh context” - It is in fact the only instance of that word I can find in that chat at this moment in time (that isn’t from a banned user called “Deleted User” circa 2018)

Is your argument here honestly “I was quoting H.P Lovecraft”, dude?

Come off it


To be fair you’re using the existence of a WE WUZ KANGZ meme to argue that they’re promoting racism.

I am hereby asking discord user xav/mogi to come off it

Discord user please come off it


Screenshot the context, conversation, and argument. If I recall the argument was a few guys saying Lovecraft is great and me saying he isn’t from a PoC reader’s perspective, with that quote being one of the examples. This was after a nearly three hour argument about why I disagree with casual usage of the word. If you really want to go here then actually show what you’re talking about instead of trying to throw me under the bus by keeping it incredibly vague.

You have moved from “the PCU discord is racist” to “I had a discussion with [a few guys] (of which there are multiple hundred) in the AD general discord”

I don’t see a point in responding to your posts in any way that would require even 1% effort honestly, you will just say anything that sounds outrageous, instantly get proven wrong and then find something else to paint a bad picture very uncool


To be fair you threw the first vaguely stone shaped object when it comes to discord claims.


The classic AD/D discord represents the PCU as a whole argument. the go-to unresearched argument next to “I read PCU = bad on COAD”.