
My life choices are on point,you keep smashing that lfr and normal with your nobody imaginary friends

i don’t play lfr usually. I’m raiding heroic with my guild atm

Seems like youre in a good life path,im happy for you.

Well, I didn’t expect this tone in this thread. The point is that it should be FUN to play and give the same FEELING as it originally did. Dps meters has nothing to do with anything in my original post, and neither does it have anything to do with class design and only how the stats stack and interact with your different spells which changes for almost every class and spec between every patch, so there’s no point dragging dps rankings into this.

I agree with this.

DPS mean nothing. Its just a numbers game that needs fixing on Blizzard’s part.

What matters is how your class plays. Demo as it is feels very clunky. Your imps disappear due to portals, in arena your pets get rooted, stuned, feared or ringed by Mages. Offensive cooldowns don’t align with each other.

And overall its basically an Affliction Warlock, where dots are transformed into demons. You cast them and pretty much forget them.

I can only talk about the PvP part; to me, Demo had a plan and direction in arena. You play defensively while building Fury and do a go with Meta. You could also demonic leap to healer, howl and make a go that way, which was super cool.

Overall, i see no reason as to why Meta can’t come back.


It will never come back,i made my peace with it in legion :frowning:
Atleast few Andys are having a blast with demo xD

I’d sign up instantly for a Demo rework into a Tank spec. I had a blast in SoD with metamorphosis, but I’d prefer it to come over to retail.

I’d like “Demonic tyrant” to be reworked, not summon a demon commander, but become the demonic tyrant, add some demonic features, like dark energy around the player and ghostly bat wings, but not the “Low res Illidan”-stuff we had in MoP, and remaining a caster, not that “You’re now a tank, sort of”-stuff, for that you really should just reroll DH already.

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We could take advantage of both. Tyrant and meta.
Don’t want us to give meta? Tyrant is best naked? Make us become a Tyrant, the true master of all demons!!! Muahahahahah…. Ok, I’ll see myself out xD

I don’t mind it, as long we get the old metamorphosis look.
I honestly do not give a crap about the game design most of the time and just want the fantasy to fit, and with current desgin it doesnt feel like warlock anymore ¯l_(ツ)_l¯


Chaos Wave is still one of the coolest abilities in the game (personal favourite) and it was removed for such a stupid reason considering Demon Hunters play NOTHING like MoP/WoD demo warlock as they aren’t casters. As cool as the tier sets that we get are blizzard just hates this class considering druids get to have 4 specs while we get one (Which was even lore established in green fire quest) completely ripped out of the class. I wish I didn’t like the general lore and world building of the game so much that it still keeps me playing because this game deserves to rot and die for doing that back then.

Also Hellfire which was literally in the TBC cinematic used by a warlock is also gone for… no reason again.


??? Wod demo was bad??? WoD demo was TOP TIRE RAID spec until blizzard outright nerfed it with a 25% flat damage nerf across the board and told us in a live chat “they dn’t want us to play demo”

don’t be delusional… demo in WoD was incredibly strong, it was top tire PvE for a large portion of the xpac and was even competitive in pvp with a insane burst phase .

to OP though = yes bring meta back please. . demo has never been as fun since it went, its had its moments but any designer who is delusional enough to think players don’t want demonform back on demonology doesn’t deserve to be involved in designing the spc, because enough people have begged for it for YEARS now


I always think its telling that you will find absolutely nobody who says: played it back then, didnt like it
Everybody and their sister is always like: yooo it was the most fun I had in this game.
And it is also true for me. From a gameplay perspective MoP and WoD demo was the most fun I had.
I was so mad that dh took it from wl that I never played either dh or demo wl since legion beta…that is until this patch when I rerolled ‘demo’.

For me personally, it is not demo wl. Should have been a new spec named summoner or so.
Demo wl will forever be the spec that transforms into a demon to throw its demonic fury in the form of spellcasts at its enemies.

Beloved Demo


What I really liked WoD Demo was that It had a really good plan in PvP. Gather resource, pop Meta, stun/coil, send the demonbolts. I miss my “IF I CRIT, HE DIES” macro so much :sob:


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