Method player tells the truth

Thanks for showing bfa is toddler game. Class choice you got really improves that impression.


hf killing lfr bosses on vanilla :slight_smile:

Have fun afking in maintown with nothing to do but faceroll.


Haha chill guys

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I think you guys need to meditate on the word “Subjective”.


Oi i was just entertaining this drooling method fangirl.


Okay, all else aside, what’s the problem with people posting screenshots of their achievements even if they’re not difficult to achieve? Only world first raid clearing super srs gamarz can be happy they did something in a game and share it and everyone else is just silly and pathetic, or what? :smiley:

If someone feels happy and accomplished about solo killing 3 Defias in Northshire it’s about as valuable an achievement as killing some Mythic raidboss world first. It was something they strove for and it made them feel good. Thought that’s what sharing game screenshots was all about.

I liked that reddit post of some dude finding the Leather Belt from an old meme. Genuine joy.


Raids are a way to gear up for pvp :smile:

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Only in classic tho. :slight_smile:

Imagine being so mad that you loose the World First Level 60 by a Moldave Gnome, then you loose World First Ragnaros Classic by people you called “pirate server unknown player who will get bang by Retail player” :smiley: .

And also, Azshara NM/HC is like LFR-boss to. You don’t do 50% of the mechanic because you outdamage and zerg the boss since day one. There’s one mechanic to do : just run on runes when you have 0 debuff and do what weak aura called you on transition because you know, most Retail player can’t look at 3 debuff in same time. Fun to see Method madness when they have ragequit the Classic course because they are to bad :smiley: .

It’s normal, when you loose something, you call it with bad names to be reassured even. So i don’t feel bad for him, we called since 5 month that APES will bang them.


DM is harder than LFR. I doubt that MC is easier than DM. This guy probably jealous.


So many people here don’t understand. First off classic raiding and dungeons are not hard, it never was. The thing with classic is that the content is not “difficult” in anyway shape or form, you could be dazed and drunk and you will still be able to defeat a boss without screwing up. However, the content is not easily accessible. To be able to do Blackwing Lair you need gear from MC and Onyxia, likewise Temple of Ahn’qiraj will require gear from the ruins (i think that’s the easier version). The progression in classic was not hard, it was time consuming; those 2 are not the same. Oh and bosses dropping 3 pieces of loot split between 40 people doesn’t help much either. Dying to a raid boss is usually the result of the fight dragging on and healers going oom, or the group takes UNAVOIDABLE raid wide damage that is too much for them to handle (this is where fire resist gear becomes relevant). Mechanically, there is nothing hard about any classic boss, most of them are just tank and spank fights.

The only exception might be Naxx 40 but even that can be argued with. I believe only 0.1% of the player base cleared Naxx 40. Stats being; 900 guilds who defeated at least 1 boss in the raid (therefore somewhat progressing), and 23 guilds actually clearing the raid itself. Resulting in about 1000 players actually defeating Kel’thuzad. Naxx was weird, as in you could have the best gear from the previous raids for the Naxx raid, but it still won’t be enough, whether Naxx was over tuned or not…I am not sure. But the real culprit are the four horsemen. To be able to defeat the four horsemen, you need 8 geared warrior tanks, and each one of those warriors must have the set bonus that made taunt not miss. The fight is not mechanically challenging like any current wow LFR boss, but the requirements you need to actually stand a chance against them are insane.

This video explains in great detail how “hard” Naxx 40 really was. Again difficulty is subjective. To me a difficult boss has hard mechanics that are accompanied by high raid wide damage, such as Kil’Jaedan Mythic or Queen Azshara Mythic.


Sure, if it is so easy and you can be drunk and still do it why people wipe on them, or you are going to tell now that you must be overgeared then it will be easy, because everything is solved with it, just like retail.

Method should be the last to speak. While private server guilds killed Ragnaros, Method livestremed their Zul Farrak wipes live from Vegas. And now their members talk about easy? Sure.


hahaha are you legitimately 8 years old?

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Classic Ragefire Chasm is harder than LFR. :slight_smile:


That Derek dude is obviously making a joke.

Fanboys overreacting, nothing to see here, move on.

I already mentioned that. You wouldn’t die because you didn’t react fast enough to a mechanic, because there aren’t any. Players being undergeared would be the main reason, and truly gear is hard to come across. Whereas in current wow you could get a team almost fully geared in Mythic Eternal Palace gear and still wipe on Mythic Rastakhan because they don’t know how to properly maneuver his Inevitable End ability with the blobs that fill up the room. That would never be the case in classic. Moreover, class rotations now are way more complex. You could wipe a boss because you are not doing your rotation right, resulting in a lack of sufficient DPS. Whereas in classic, a frost mage’s rotation is literally spamming frostbolt and only frostbolt and a warlock’s rotation would be to sac a succubus, curse the target with shadow every few seconds, and then just spam shadowbolt. You can’t screw up a rotation like that unless you’re mentally challenged, and if you are, wth are you doing in the raid in the first place.

You want some truth?

We don’t care.

Your trolling efforts failed. Again.


There is way more then that going on raids, when you will understand it , you will see why some guilds can clear content with bad items, other wipe with decent items.

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