Microstuttering upon starting combat

Since the TWW prepatch and more so since launch, the game has started stuttering when entering combat.

I do NOT mean the Dornogal framerate drops or general flying loading/caching. That is normal to me and has been as such throughout DF.

This stutter is microscopic and will not be noticeable by most players. I am somewhat of a freak and can see it and I have been seeing posts about it on Reddit and here.

When I look at streams, I have seen every single straemer have the same issue. I am hypersensitive to frame time (which is not a good thing, it sucks) and hence I do notice. Do note this is not a framerate drop, it is a spike in the delivery time from one frame to the next, specifically from entering combat.

The frametime spike is not big, about 0.5-2ms, but as it’s always when you start combat or occasionally in combat (like pulling the next pack in a dungeon), it is quite annoying. The screen hitches up for a microsecond. This is trackable in overlays such as RTSS (yes, the issue occurs without RTSS on as well) and you do see a little spike.

This happens about 50% of the time when pulling a new mob and can also occur when activating abilities in combat.

I have troubleshooted this issue for about 10 hours or so. I will go through the steps I have taken to try to solve it, without success. I have come to the conclusion that this is game related since TWW.

  • Complete reinstall of the game, nuking old files and registry
  • No addons (no difference with or without)
  • Reset cvars
  • Removed all types of OC etc
  • Tried multiple different nVidia drivers (537.58, 556.12, 551.86)
  • Turned off all gpu functions (optional, async etc)
  • Tried resampling on/off
  • Tried every setting in WoW to low etc
  • Rivatuner on/off, MSI Afterburner on/off
  • Excluding the game from Windows Defender
  • Windows 11 24h1 as well as 24h2
  • DX11/DX12 - DX11 is quite a lot better, but does not solve this specific stutter
  • Capping framerates to different numbers - 60 fps is smoother, but I have never had an issue playing at 120 Before
  • HAGS on/off
  • Vsync on/off ingame, in nvidia Control panel as well as trying different sets of pre-rendered frames/low latency in NVCP

Windows 11 24h2 (currently, same issue on h1)
32gb 6000/mts
Gen 4 nvme ssd where the game is installed

Things that alleviate the problem, but does not solve it:
Turning low latency off in-game (big difference)
Turning low latency off in NVCP to allow the game to pre-render frames
Capping to 60 or capping with RTSS to standard for gsync, meaning -2/3 your refresh rate

Please look into this. It is, as you can tell by the above, driving me completely nuts. Playing rogue when the game locks up quite often is very annoying.


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It’s engine related.
Also don’t forget that most stuff in WoW is calculated on one single CPU-thread.

Turning on RT shadows introduces even more stutter btw.

PS: do you have multiple displays with different refreshrates?
This also causes microstutter under DX12.
Had this for years with a 144Hz and 60Hz display hooked up, only way to resolve it was to buy another 144Hz as my 2nd :stuck_out_tongue:

Nope, good call though, I did not list that.

Single screen, 120hz.

I should also clarify this definitely started occuring with TWW. I would not have been able to play DF like this.

Edit: Further improvements by disabling outline mode, compute effects and optional gpu features.

Still happens, just smaller spike.

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I’ve noticed stutter as well but the bigger problem for me has been actual frame drops in dungeons. Fighting any larger pack of mobs introduces noticable framerate drops that have only started occuring in TWW. Similar to you, I wouldn’t have been able to enjoy Dragonflight if it was like this - and I got KSH in M+

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