Min - max values of cvars

Hello, I’m wondering if there’s a way to determine the limits that the game has set for different console variables. Take the “farclip” variable, for instance:

wowwiki → CVar_farclip
wowpedia → CVar_farclip

These sources provide differing information on how low or high the setting can be configured, and I suspect that some of the information may be outdated.

Is there any way to check the current range of values for this variable or others like it?

Try advanced interface options addon, you can manually play around with numbers input and discover what the limits might be.

Yeah good tip, seems like the addon knows about these values. For example:

I try to set cameraFov to 100, it stops at 90.

If i try to set groundEffectDist to 1, it stops at 40.

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