So, mind control is still able to randomly disconnect me from the game (either if I mc someone or someone MC’s me). So what about making this more fun? Let’s make other classes spells disconnect too. I suggest paladins divine shield/avenging wrath, mages ice block, rogues shadow dance, warrior bladestorm, death knight gargoyle, warlock teleport, shamans ghost wolf…
anyone has better suggestions?
A fix during cataclysm would be an unbelievable miracle and realistically it will never be fixed for any wow classic version.
The best suggestion I can offer is to accept the fact, that Blizzard as a company does not see any fincancial benefit in fixing most “minor” bugs. This is especially true for mind control, since its not easy to reproduce and seems to be even harder to fix.
As a reminder, Blizzard didnt even fix the missing reactive proc overlay, which affects every class/spec in the game and would be a work of simply copy-pasting. At this point I highly doubt if there is still a developer working on general bug fixes for cataclysm.