Mindsear remove, why?

can anyone explain why mind sear is getting removed, it makes no sense to me, i base almost my entire games around mind sear… i get it “wanting to try new things”, but you need to remove, you can add other options and people will try them and give feedback, why remove spells like this ?

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because its redundant spell. Mind flay but aoe. Why mage dont have the aoe fireball?

it has flamestrike ? and arcane echo is a similiar mechanic to mind sear ?
also it does, but its rly weak, its called conflagration, fireball explodes and spread dmg, but its been weak for 2 expansions, same as living bomb.

I am glad that it is gone, at least as a spender. I am not used to play shadow, but to me the spec feels easier now.

Because psychic link is just a more successful method of AoE.

Mind sear was fairly redundent compared to what we have now with psychic link. We simply ST rotation and it just turns all our abilities into AoE.

Basically mind sears functionality got moved into DP.

But it appears in their inital rework they ran out of time, they tried to fix it in 10.0.5, but it caused major ability bloat, which then they decided to rework again in 10.1 and seems they ran out of time again.

This is i think was also a reason why they did it.

Prior Spriest had 2 fillers and 2 spenders. And had procs landing everyone + insanity buff onto mindflay.

I think a major aim was to try and make the right moves clearer to ease rhe entry to the specc. Lots seem to have reacted as if its the pruning of the centuary which doesnt make much sense

considering we lost 2 abilities one whicj was “cast if AoE”. And a secondsry filler.

easier… it has no buttons…

Are you trying to say shadow priest has no buttons? Lol. Its still among the largest ability pools in the game lol

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