Minimum ilvl to queue timewalking dungeons

Just now I’m being called a bully for suggesting to a lvl 70 guardian druid that he should grab a few level appropriate items before joining a dungeon. He has only 250k hp and is using ilvl 220 items from three expansions ago because, I suppose, he leveled too fast and didn’t loot a sufficient amount of gear. For quick reference, that’s a quarter value of what my mage has at equal level with mop remix items. It’s not a complete disaster for a veteran player but many newbies struggle with maintaining simple defensive buffs, like Ironfur for this guy so a straightforward run often becomes a complete clown show.

It turns into a miserable experience for everyone if it happens to be a tank or a healer and while a damage dealer can be easily carried and is most likely to hide this fact from other players, it unfortunately doesn’t stop them from dying to random aoe damage every second pull, so they don’t usually don’t get to stay for long either. I’m not saying you won’t even be given a chance, but patience of many groups is very thin.

Previously with player level downscaling we would receive stat templates so there were no problems of this kind. This needs some attention. The ilvl requirement doesn’t need to be very strict but the line needs to be drawn somewhere for higher level players because votekicks will unfortunately keep happening and many players won’t find out what they did wrong to have deserved it.

Especially frustrating when this leads to a wipe and causes you to lose several bonus xp buffs.

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