Mining - leveling 290-300

I am having issues leveling my mining to 300 and I KNOW I must be doing something wrong, please help.

I went round for rich thorium, mined the heck out of them and got only 1 point. So went to do some smelting and got one point for a ton of it also. What am I missing? I have maxed out all the mining and blacksmithing upgrade at the trainers, just an fyi.

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Theres 2 hidden mining techniques in vanilla you most likely dont have. The one that will help you is smelt dark iron.

Scroll down the comments to see where and how to get it.


This is some impressive quest explanation, thanks. Tried it, got it but was too weak to solo it to get enough of dark iron to smelt it. At least I now know that’s an option. What’s the other ‘hidden’ technique?

Check the AH for dark iron

IIRC at this point you can mine Fel Iron Ore in Hellfire Peninsula

Ahah. You cant.
Remember, proffesions are split up on tiers. So outland mining wont help you reach 300 vanlla skill.


You are right, i must have been thinking about legion.

Yeah, I did go to Outland thinking mining there may bump me up over the dreaded 300 but no go. This would explain why. What a nightmare LOL

Unless you are a completionist, you dont really need 300. Only engineering have a new for old world ore stuffs anymore.

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BTW mining in burning steppes and around the dark portal shall be enough to give you mining skills, try silithius also, there were max level vanilla nodes.

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