[Mirage Raceway] [A] [Semi-Hardcore] [PvE] <Discipline> Now Recruiting

Discipline is a semi-hardcore guild with a core of experienced retail mythic raiders and private server players. Our goal is to be the top guild on Mirage Raceway and progress through all tiers of content in a swift, efficient and smooth manner. We offer a high quality, streamlined and serious raiding experience with plenty of fun outside of raids.
If you are interested in joining us, please join our discord channel for more information: discord.gg/b3bv9Jj
All raiders must also apply to our guild website linked in the discord.

Still looking for players of all classes to join us for Classic!

Recruitment Needs
Tank Warrior - one more off-tank
DPS Warrior - High
Holy Paladins - High
Hunters - Medium
Rogues - High
Feral Druid - Open to a feral off-tank
Restoration Druid - Medium
Priest - Medium
Mage - High
Warlock - High

A good fit perhaps?

5 players LF Raiding Guild on Mirage Raceway Alliance!? - #8 by Caedwn-turalyon

Have a look and if so get in touch :smiley:

Hey man, you guys seem like a good fit, we would love to have you all - social members are an integral part of a raiding guild and there will be plenty of opportunity for them to join in UBRS runs and Onyxia runs when we get to running split raids. If you want to add me to Bnet its Munchies#11691 or hop onto out discord discord.gg/mT5zdKk

Still looking for players of every class!

hello, you mentioned semi-hardcore, so I probably won’t fit to main raid team but I would like to join as a “bench player”. I will play Warlock, named Dragoness, I am expierenced with WoW but not classic, played private servers of TBC and Wrath. I do have a family to take care so its the reason I want to be bench raider. I do take game seriuosly on other hand and I will take 2 weeks vocation for a better start :slight_smile:

Hey, we would love to have you! Bench raiders are extremely important to keep things running smoothly make sure we always have a full 40 man team for raids. Please hop into our discord channel (discord.gg/b3bv9Jj) and introduce yourself when you’ve got a moment :slight_smile:

Update to our guild needs:
What we are looking for
Tank Warrior - Backups players only
DPS Warrior - Low
Holy Paladin - Backup players only
Hunter - Backup players only
Rogue - Medium
Feral Druid - Backup players only
Restoration Druid - Backup players only
Priest - Backup players only
Mage - Medium
Warlock - Medium

Hiya, would love to join! I’m currently chilling in the MR-discord!

Am experienced in raiding in wow and other MMO’s such as SWTOR, where I was part of Server First Clear on Eternity Vault.

Will be playing a Warlock named Zerdaxx here.

Currently studying my last year in high school and got a lot of free time.

That would be awesome, please join our discord (discord.gg/b3bv9Jj) so we can discuss this further :slight_smile:

changed char name and discord name to Voidmoe

Still looking for exceptional players of all classes! Particularly interested in rogues and priests!

We are still in need of rogues, lots of rogues!
Exceptional players of all classes can apply anytime

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