Mirror racials a solution to Horde BGs and Faction disbalance

And everyone will become Humans, at least on Alliance side. I should probably edit my main post here, because people confusing my suggestion of adding mirror racials on shared CD with adding 2nd racial, that would unbalance the game.

Race itself would become cosmetic and i would rather keep my gnome with wotf or stoneform

Yeah actually even that is better option, why start mixing it up arbitrary when you can just have everyone choose what they like! Id vote for this if I had to vote between this and OPs suggestion tbh.

Why would everyone suddenly roll human then? Races would be cosmetic only and I doubt everyone would want to be a boring human.

You would become THE GNOME of the Alliance. /s
I understand where you are leading, but racials are also an instrument to balance against visual preference as well. The only mistake of Blizzard was to continue such trend (with Trolls) across factions after addition of Blood Elves and seeing Horde snowballing growth in Wrath. Cataclysm should had mirror active racials introduced, not minor buffs to passives that changed nothing in terms of factional balance.
Where were we? Ah yes, racials are more that some techniques of exotic school of fighters/mages/whomever that could be taught to your class by a certain race faction. They are embodiment of your race physical and mental abilities.
Like giving warstomp to a Draenei makes sense taking their size, mass and gorgeous hoofs into consideration. Sure you could say that Gnomes could replicate any racial with their tinkering gadgets, but you should think of balancing within faction as well.

not now in 2021
2021 players minmax noone cares about the lore
i bet with my propose you would see less Humans
and would balance faction wich is more important then 13years old lore
PPL play the game because its good not the lore

Tbh your “lorelike” abilities to each race were really made up and tbh u could fix up any racial to any race by bending the lore like youre doing in your post. Why do u need hooves to be able to aoe stun? Cant an orc smash their hammer down for same effect? Heck, even a gnome could be such a master tinkerer to have crafted a mighty device to stun your enemies around you! As said, your suggestion is as arbitrary as would the concept of having paid racial changes for every race be.

Also this, people are deffo playing human and dwarves for their op racials, not for their appearance. We would definitely see more night elves and gnomes!

I’ve played Alliance in every expansion of WoW but for Classic I had to go Horde due to irl friends wanting it. I think friends is the dominating factor in faction choice for the majority of the player-base, especially for the Classic series since the nostalgia part and getting your old crew back together is a centrepiece to why it even exists.

Would 100 % reroll Alliance if first and foremost I could get my mates to join for it and second of all if I could transfer my progress over. Rerolling is not an alternative and racials wouldn’t change a thing for me personally.

Virtually everyone. This nonsense that horde is overpopulated compared to alliance simply because of min maxing racials is the most moronic crap that came out of this forum.

And Horde would become 80%+ Blood Elves instead of 60%+ currently among Horde races. And there would be less Horde overall, more than 2 times less as we have on Retail today. Blizzard just rightfully feared that having equal / none racials at that moment would lead to Alliance domination as everyone wanted to be Legolazzes and Äragörns in 2004.

And giving double racials (meaning doesnt matter if youre ally or horde) wouldnt cause the faction imbalance you mentioned there? Pick a lane dude. Also I doubt that ud players, or any player for that matter would want to roll a blood elf lmao!

Not Classic racials, but retail racials that had decade of Horde favourism.
My suggestion is not about nerfing the Horde, but giving every faction as equal racials as possible to restore at least rough faction balance to improve Horde expirience with queues and Alliance expirience in wPvP.
I understand that people who got into the game via their friends playing the Horde won’t faction change just for some scrap of Honor, and faction change back immediately as they get their honor gear at the start of every arena season as min/maxers would do.

Dumb idea, why not change everyone into a human and make them work in cubicles all day while you are it.

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Giving paid racial change would be giving every faction as equal racials as possible. Please man, youre making 0 sense. Just accept the fact that if you want racial changes, the best way to do so is to let everyone have any racial they choose. Every other “ima just give this to that and those to them” will lead to eventual unbalance.

You mean PvP arenas in Wrath?

Some people have to learn that some of their friends are not good for them and they would have a better life without them. It’s possible to make new friends by the way.

Yup, all the sweaty lack of hygiene neckbeards will once again move over and I will still avoid them like the plague whenever we are in that point of time

I will still stay Alliance and Human even with the Faction/race change becoming available. And I can wait, because EMFH and all. My question was about Horde willingness to change Faction if racials would to become equal.
But all I see in replies is much gatekeeping of Alliance from said equal terms or indefferation because people have other reasons than racials to stay Horde and I respect them that later part.

Great advice, why have fun with your friends when you can avoid them. Right?

For the record i’d go alliance without the racials if a faction change became available and my friends would join me. I think a majority of the horde pvpers would as well, as sitting in queues for marginally better racials (for some classes they are worse) is not worth it. And not to mention I didn’t think for a second about racials when rolling horde in classic, would do just fine with the alliance racials.