Mirror racials a solution to Horde BGs and Faction disbalance

Rewritten main topic after your post. Added few ideas I noticed around forums in last 2 days.

This is so bad, youā€™re taking one set of ā€œunbalancedā€ racials and making another.

Humans will now have the best Alliance PvP racials by an incredible margin, they counter two of the permanent TBC meta classes.

Orcs now counter rogues even more, before you had people complaining about how much of WOTF was a counter to locks, and now you have Orc, the OMEGA rogue counter.

Since you care so much about PvP meta and how much the racials infulence it, it takes only a quick glance to realise how completely overpowered these races are compared to any of the rest in that context.

This does literally nothing except make Orcs even stronger since they now have their stun passive AND perception.

Youā€™re saying racials are overpowered and game-changing, and then you give everyone two and give players even more of a reason to play a race for racials.

I can see why Piolho would want this, but he doesnā€™t realise that the majority of meta slaves (which you all claim to very much exist and it is clear by the faction embalance) would just pick their advised racial they found on WoWhead, so what does this do except make the game dull and pseudo delete every other racial?

It also just straight up changes TBC, allowing some classes to get a racial they could never have before and could be potentially meta defining (which isnā€™t true to the TBC experience and only replaces one meta with another) e.g. Mage w/ Warstomp.

see there are other choices for example i would take will of the forsaken, some would take bloodlust
See just now we would have 3 different racials

PvP players would be evenly split, unlike what is coming in Wrath with disbalanced EMFH and nerf of WotF, while looking for faster queues.

And you base that on what? Nobody will reroll still, horde is the pvp faction. If anyone is willing to reroll theyā€™ve done already. The large majority will just stay horde because as I said Horde=PVP Faction where the pvp population is & itā€™s too time consuming with zero benefits.

Thatā€™s like blaming Hordes for having WOTF and asking for merc to get the benefit of faster queues but then wanting WOTF & instant queues.

Give us faction change or merc, nothing else will solve it, and i firmly believe not even faction change will have a huge impact either because ppl just stick with their guilds, friends & classic progress.

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Assuming you meant blood fury and for Arena / PvP, I doubt anyone would choose this or war stomp over WOTF since warlocks are so meta. Theyā€™ll just follow what their favourite guide says.

Youā€™re getting rid of a problem by creating another, donā€™t you see that? xd

Alot of people rerolled now, why not do it again?

what do you mean?
Both factions would have all racials on a respec cost, i dont see any issue here.
wotf pvp
bloodfury pve
you called the warstomp

hordes would also have possibility to get Perception ,stoneform,etc

What I mean is that for a lot of playerā€™s you are basically deleting 8-9 of the 10 racials in the game. Most people will just pick one racial and never respec out of it because wellā€¦ why would they?

I called the warstomp as an example, I dont think its anywhere near the value of other racials that are in the game, given the meta we have and the end-game content we face.

This is how I would choose:

Do I care about PvP and PvE? - Go Orc
Do I care about just PvP? Go Orc or Undead, (maybe gnome depending on class) but most likely just Orc again since their value isnā€™t as niche.

So Iā€™d just go Orc racials since theyā€™re valuable in all meta end-game content and arenā€™t as niche in use as other racials.

Maybe this is just the way I see it, but again your ā€œsolutionā€ basically deletes some racials from the game

but but horde racials are not op and and perception yada yada EAā€¦

i would take ud pvp and orc pve thats how good horde racials are and its fine just let other faction have them to and then horde wont mind having to xfer alliance.
Balance solved

As I said, a lot of Alliance racials have insane value, but theyā€™re so niche that they can also get zero value vs certain comps.

Imagine if Rogue and Druid wasnā€™t meta, why would you be human for the racial?
Imagine if Warlock wasnā€™t meta, why would you be Undead for the racial?

Orc just has guaranteed value through blood fury and stun resist which is more likely to get value in general.

And how Undead has literally useless racial in PvE compared to Horde, unless Iā€™m missing some random value it gets (it has niche value just like human)

Your way of ā€œsolvingā€ faction balance is by creating another problem and changing core TBC gameplay by allowing certain classes to have racials they did not have in TBC which ultimately changes the game.

Even with this change implemented (which it never will be) what do you have to suggest that faction balance will be ā€œsolvedā€, what do you consider solved, 50/50? Why would players move from Horde if theyā€™re already invested there and even if the faction balance was 50/50 I Imagine that horde queues would still be longer, since horde are usually known more PvP oriented

With this change
#1 Free faction transfer horde to ally
#2 Free choice of your racial for gold
the hardcore pvpā€™ers (streamers etc) wont have any problems swapping to alliance since racials are out of the way,
Btw c9chan,paimon,ruki already said this.
Bringing these pvpers to alliance is already fixing the low amount of pvpā€™ers alliance side.

Give trolls demon hunter vision not the draenei passive. Or stoneform. Then itā€™s a deal. Your idea is amazing.

I think this is probably the best ā€œsolutionā€ that most players can agree on, I assume and even though TBC has a limitation on factions per realm for each account I think they may remove this restriction.

I still think this is a trash idea, again the majority of players will just pick the ā€œFOTMā€ racial.

Iā€™m sure they wont since they effectively have freedom to choose any race, I just think your ā€œsolutionā€ causes other problems and would prefer to see a solution that changes the game less.

Thereā€™s also plenty of plenty of notable pvp streamers on the Alliance side already.
E.g. Hydramist, Bajheera, Magnusz, and even Mir has an alliance alongside his horde.

And even more streamers just on Alliance in general
E.g. Jokerd, APES guild, Asmon, Swifty, all big streamers with huge influence for many players.

I think that you think the Undead racial is what stops you from getting your desired rating when Itā€™s simply not, thereā€™s a lot of Alliance on the TBC arena leaderboard. Go check for yourself.

Mir not alliance
ironforge pro/pvp/leaderboards/EU/team/5/
check their racials in top20 EU 2ā€™s,3ā€™s,5ā€™s

i didnt say that but it helps not eating 3 fears in a row

Didnā€™t say he mained ally, I said he has an alliance alongside his horde and even played Alliance (human) during the classic TBC arena tournament.

I have checked, along with checking Drustvar, thereā€™s a very respectable amount of Alliance in there so whatā€™s your point? E.g. 2v2 EU (11 Horde, 9 Alliance) teams in the top 20.

There could also be many reasons this data isnā€™t a true accurate representation of racial balance in arena, as there could be other factors that drive the race choice such as playing horde because your friends are - which is another reason you see streamers and high rated players have characters on horde an alliance (so they have a bigger pool of friends / players to queue with)

Thatā€™s impossible, classic stands on the hardcore no changes mindset. The most you would get is completely turning off racials in pvp instances, which doesnā€™t apply to wpvp and makes the instanced pvp a bit more dull (albeit fair.) And imho that is also just like 1% chance of happening.

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Badiest idea i have ever seen

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