
Has it ever worked for you? I’ve tried it several times but nothing happened, the mobs were still attacking me instead of the tank or my pet.

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i dont have it on my bar
if tank needs md u know its good time to leave grp

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Works for everybody, if I had a hunter in my group refusing to MD i’d kick them.

Everyone’s a winner.


right. especially on skittish weeks amirite?

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Wow no just no you should always use it wtf you on about

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Works fine my dude are you using it while you have so much aggro you don’t do enough damage to offset? You should get the threat metre up in details / recount and check but MD works fine I use it all the time on straggling mobs and in visions to pull entire rooms. Works fine

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MD is very bad compared to Tricks.

  1. It doesnt MD the pet threat, only the hunter damage which is only like 30% of your overall.
  2. The Threat MD’ed doesnt stay on the tank, it fades after some time

So in terms of omg i have agro i better MD it is 100% useless.
Butnyou can use it to do some awesome pulls in say AD where you can snap the saurids.
That being said, should still be used at every pull cause every bit helps

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If you loose aggro yo your pet I’m sorry you’re just being careless and/or not using your tools

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I really hope your post is meant for OP and not me.

Cause if its meant for me it sounds like you think its normal and intended for the hunter to tank and not the pet in a solo scenario

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I have Misdirection on a macro and it works most of the time (obviously not as effective on Skittish weeks) without me even having to think about it.

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I use MD on CD, out of habit, it’s part of hunter’s utility.
What adds were attacking you, was it out in the world, or a dungeon, even a raid?

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Just want to add. If your tank has buff from one of such items:
Misdirection will not work. Ask to remove the buff, some tanks don’t know that it actually blocks Misdirection.

Also, sometimes the tank might be using mount before pulling the boss, Misdirection also doesn’t work on mounted targets – keep that in mind.

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Did you target your pet before pushing the misdirection button?

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I use a macro for that. Just saying. Makes it a bit easier

#showtooltip Misdirection
/cast [target=pet, nodead, exists] Misdirection

I once tried to solo Glory of the Icecrown raider. I used md on my pet and nothing happened, the Lich King didn’t give a crap and kept attacking me. I tried again , still nothing.
I tried to use it on tanks in dungeons too, but it didn’t work.
I tried to get the mage tower appearance but once again it didn’t work.
What am I doing wrong?

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First. Misdirection works for short period of time (8 sec) and all it does – for this small period of time your threat will be given to the target. This means, that Misdirection is only makes sense when mobs just started fight (so overall treat is very low and your Misdirection can actually change it), and vice versa – in the middle of the fight, it does almost nothing to the main target as your generated threat for those 8 sec will not change much; But the ability is still very good to send newly spawned adds to the tank.

Second. Pet’s “taunt” is not same player’s taunt. Pet’s taunt just instantly generate some relatively high amount of threat, but it’s not same as player’s taunt. Player’s taunt actually does much more: it copies threat value of the highest-threat-player to the player who taunted and also switches the aggro; and, as you might know, to break the aggro, another player (or pet) must have +10% (in melee) and +30% (in range) more threat as highest threat target has at the moment. In the middle of the constant fight this mechanic allows tanks (two players) to reliably control who has aggro at the moment.

P.S.: more about here – https://www.icy-veins.com/wow/tanking-guide – “5.1. How does Threat and Aggro Work?”


Okay. To everyone who has problems with MD, here is what you do.

Make a macro with this information: /cast [target=focus] Misdirection

Pick a picture for the macro and place in on your bars. Make a focus target by right clicking their frame, your pet, a tank or a different player in your group.
(FYI the the target must be alive for you to be able to MD to it)

Now press the macro picture on your bar that you just made and watch it work.

If this is not working, then you either did something wrong or you have addon/game issues. This has worked for me for years, so there are no excuses.

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