Okay Blizzard. It’s time you explained why we can’t loot these godforsaken things while in combat. Because there’s been SO. MANY. RUNS. where i’ve been stuck in combat the ENTIRE delve. Lost out of perhaps thousands of companion EXP because of this stupid restriction.
Absolutely no idea how being stuck in combat is still a thing but i can not for the life of me get out of it when it happens. Unless i have to log out and wait for a handful of minutes and during that time, the delve will reset.
My guess is because of the annoyance that is Brann and his ironically braindead AI that makes him constantly moves backwards if he gets aggro on something and that mob will in turn aggro other mobs off path. And when Brann resets to me WITH that mob aggroed, it disappears and he aka me, is stuck in combat.
Getting stuck in combat has been a thing since at least when i started playing again in Legion and it happens way too often. The whole threat/aggro thing pisses me off something extreme but that is a topic for another day.
So i ask again, WHY can it only be looted out of combat? So people can’t walk in and just loot it? Then make the cast be interruptible from any attacks and increase the cast time. So easy to fix it’s insane. C’thun on a cross i swear.