Missed a week of timewalking!

I missed the timewalking last week so I’ve missed one week to get the timewalking bee mount, can anyone tell me if it’s worth doing the 5 dungeons tonight before reset or have I missed out on my chance for the reward mount for the turbulent timeways thing? Or shall I wait until the event comes around again?

Ty :slight_smile:

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Turbulent Timeways is on for 7 weeks, just need to do 5. Event’s on till the 26th, there’s 3 weeks left till then.


Oh, I didn’t realise that, tysm!

only 4 weeks left inc. this week so nah, you’ve pumped it I’m afraid

this week - classic
next - TBC
next - wrath
last - cata

need 5 weeks in a row to get it i believe

In a row? I did 5 the week before last if that counts :neutral_face:

Doesn’t have to be in a row


Need to do the 5 out of the 7 TW. Dont need to be in row.


Then I stand corrected!

Amazing, thanks for the advice (:

And btw if you once stacked the buff up you only have to go 1 TW Dungeon the next week to push the count if you do it with a char that stays locked out to the following week.

Just 5 not in a row

I love the mount it’s adorable!

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