Missing 40k hp compared to other DHs

hello, with my DH Discoslayer i am missing about 40k hp when in full pvp gear and inside an instanced pvp battle compared to other DHs.

i was just checking another DH in Alterac valley and we both have the same gear and the same ilvl in pvp. we had the same buffs and he has 730k hp while i have only 689k hp.

anyone got an idea how the difference is happening?

https:/ /imgur.com/a/Io7IsqI

Is this the only example? Could always be https://www.wowhead.com/spell=236180/den-mother

cuz u miss Will of the Illidari 6% stam talent

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Oh my god thank you. I actually thought my character is faulty or something like that. I will check it tomorrow as soon as I get to my pc.

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