I played up the quest where i should get my DRIVE car. I decided to skip the tutorial because i already did it on the PTR. So talked to Granny, i clicked on “Take keys and skip tutorial” (can be different in the english version).
Thats it. Quest was finished and i have no car, no action button to press and nothing in the inventory.
Without it i feel basicly excluded from all the Undermine content. Im super slow, cant do the races, cant do the scraping because till i am at the new point, they are already done, cant do those mini delivery quests, etc.
I wrote a ticket but it wasnt helpfull at all. Directed me to a WoWhead page which tells me what DRIVE is, that i can drift and bost and so…
I can see people have reported the same issue on the US bug report forum.
I know that doesn’t help you specifically other than to know you are not alone. We do bug reports in game on EU but it all goes to the same place. I hope a fix is issued soon. Or some workaround is discovered.
Sadly I’m still facing this issue. I also skipped the tutorial and didn’t receive anything. Logged and zoned back in a few times since the blue post, breakneck still eluding me.
The same thing JUST happened to me now. I dismounted in Undermine, the UI icon for the G-99 went to red cross and stayed that way even when i moved to the road.
Removed it in hopes to make the extra action button appear but nothing.
I have disabled all addons, reloaded UI, fully closed and rebooted WoW.
It works fine on an alt i logged, went back to Faylane-Dragonblight but nothing. It remains vanished
And just like that the vehicle’s extra action button appeared again after finishing the world quest -Firework it- . This could ofcourse not be related at all
Alright, whilst checking everything again - before even deactivating any add-ons - I actually managed to think twice and set wowhead to German, instead of just taking the items name and replacing “Breakneck” with “Genickbruch”.
And there you go, I tried to cast “G-99 Genickbruch” instead of “99-G-Genickbruch”, so have a laugh everyone!
Everything is working fine, and I don’t mind the missing action button.