Missing Forum Characters

Update (18.08.2020):


The weekly reset on the US forums did not fix the issue.

Blizzard was made aware of the issue by the forum moderators and is looking into the problem.

Original Post:

Anyone else experiencing characters missing when changing characters on the forum?

I noticed some were missing for me so I relogged. And now I cant even switch back to the character I usually post on.

And yes, I know a ticket would probably be the way to go here. But this just happened and I’m still giving them the benefit of the doubt, so I’ll wait for a bit and see if the problem resolves itself.


It’s never Retributor who has this problem… :unamused:


Maybe that’s me. You’ll never know.


When was the last time you logged on thase characters ingame?

It is very difficult to discern who you might be, the name and the mog make it quite hard to fathom, but I will go out on a limb here and make a random guess… you are Shadazzle?

I know, my detective skills are awesome :rofl:


Huh, i looked at mine and they are gone too :laughing:
cant even select the one i post from now, just 2x on classic servers is on the list

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I tried relogging those characters aswell. And relogging in BattleNet. The characters are also gone from the list of characters in the Armory, after relogging there.

That hat… are you Shadazzle? :thinking:

You probably shouldn’t relog then. After the relog it defaults to one of those characters.

But glad to hear I’m not the only one.

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Based on the pimp gear (no offence) are you shadazzle?


I said it first!


Same here pal you look a litttle less the part as a kaldorei instead of a high elf, I can’t go back on Rainblood i can go in game but i cannt here no idea what hapened … ?

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atleast my chars is still on the login screen, read some post on US that all his chars was gone

blizz doing blizz things? :upside_down_face:


Could be anyone at this point.

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Thanks for the link.

Thought it might be server based aswell. I thought maybe something related to the server merging. But strangely enough I can still use other characters from the same realm as the missing one.

all my alts are observable, seems its not universal
but sounds concerning anyhow

ye, thats probably it
i have a few old chars on merging server, including this one

Funny that the hat is the thing you focus on and not the name backwards.


I have an eye for clothing more than basic lettering, what can I say? :joy:

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I looked at my character’s list and some of them are missing as well.
Probably Blizzard is implementing an upgrade or it’s just bugged.