Missing spell - Healing touch

So i have tried resetting my talents, my Mangle spell was missing also, but after the reset i got it. Now I’m missing Healing touch…

Any ideas how to get it back?

Try making a macro like:
#showtooltip Healing Touch
/Cast Healing Touch

Temporary fix that works for most missing spells but not all.

Not working this. I tried it :frowning:

I am missing Mangle on both of my Druids. Macro doesn’t help. On the plus side, I got Healing Touch :smiley:

My druid is still missing Wild Growth even though I am specced into it. :sweat_smile:

Who gave their seal of approval to launch the game in this abysmal state?
They obviously still needed weeks at most to fix these issues, can’t wait for raid tuning next week.