Missing transmog!

Hello. I am here because a GM directed me (3 GM’s to be exact) after trying to get help with my issue. All regarded me into making a bug report, and I’m basically making this post to see if anyone has had any similar issue. Long story short: I quit WoW during early stage of WoD. Having spent most of my youth here, I decided to move on. Coming back after years of being inactive, I found myself missing a BUNCH, and by a bunch, I mean hunderds of items in the transmogrify gallery. I followed the instructions online with disabling and enabling filters. I reinstalled WoW, which I dont think was necessary considering I’m playing on a completely new PC with a fresh install. The issue is; I see a bunch of items (literally 100s of items) which I’ve had, used AND transmogged to before in the gallery for items that are NOT COLLECTED. I provided 2 photos of complete sets of me wearing gear that was no longer in my gallery ingame to the GM’s. That concerns me because I have literally used items from FL, DS, SoO etc. (Mostly raids from Cata/MoP) both as current gear items and transmogrified, and they are in no way connected anymore to my account. Like, the only gear that I could transmog to was legendaries which were banked, and the gear I was currently weilding (CM gear from MoP and WoD). My big question is: HOW did they get disabled? I think my accounts ID might be cursed, because I lost a bunch of progress on various raids during MoP (on the actual armory website) when all the servers were merged. I contacted a GM who told me that its impossible that information like that is lost because all such code is “Hard-coded”. I proved him wrong by sending him a picture of my guild master wearing armor from Garrosh, yet in the progression it said he hadn’t killed him on any difficulty. Anyway, back to the point. The bug I want to report is basically transmogrify; 90% of all items I’ve ever collected are completely lost and unusuable for me. I basically have to spend the hundreds if not thausands of hours into farming old content back, which should be on my account already. I dont NEED the items, but they’re all things that I’ve worked hard to get. It makes me fairly grumpy really, considering this is the second time my account has somehow lost previous content without having any further help. I hope there wont be another loss of information regarding my account. I made the bug report too, but it’s really frustrating. New expansion is beautiful tho, so I’ll continue to play and keeping my hopes up.

There was no Appearance Collection until Legion. What you have in your inventory was what you had available for transmog. If you sold it you lost the transmog. Sucks, but that’s how it was back then, and you should know that.

I also didn’t get to keep the tier 0 Vanilla set’s appearance for example since I upgraded that for tier 0.5 waaaaaay before all the systems were implemented.

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Here’s the thing about transmog collection system. When you first log in after it is introduced the only appearances you will get are from items you character has in possesion in either bags, bank or void storage. Items you obtained in the past but were vendored before this system was introduced will not be there becasue game has no reliable way of tracking every item you ever had. The only exception are items that are quest rewards. You should automaticly get appearances of any quest rewards from quests your character has completed in the past. On top of that it takes few minutes for this stuff to get added.

Now as for CM gear if you don’t have it on you I think you should be able to repurchase is if your character has achievements for it.

As for Siege or Orgrimmar progress it was broken when they changed difficulty structure. In MoP it had Raid Finder, Flex, Normal and Heroic but when WoD prepatch dropped they changed it to Raid Finder, Normal, Heroic and Mythic and that messed up people’s progress on that raid reported by the armory.

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