Mists of Pandaria Campaign 9/10 Chapter bugged - Kirin Tor Offensive chapter reset every week

Mists of Pandaria Campaign is now 9/10 chapters. Kirin Tor Offensive part becomes not completed at the Mists of Pandaria campaign UI. This happens for my characters in Retail and Remix.

When I’m in Pandaria and look into quest log it says "Continue the Campaign by accepting the quest “Champions of the Thunder King” in Isle of Thunder.

I finished “Champions of the Thunder King” quest again on my Retail characters and Campaign was fully completed. After todays reset my Pandaria Campaign is again 9/10 with the same message. So, I wasted hours to farm Ritual Stones to finish quest only to find out it is reseted again after weekly maintenance.

I suppese it started to happens with Remix release.

Affected are Retail and Remix characters. As a completionist it’s super annoying.



On US forums also there is a report about it:

EU forums:

On Wowhead people also talking about this:



I noticed the same problem just moments ago. Though i was on horde, i still noticed that Thunder Island story node was reverted to “Champions etc” phase again.

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This is still an issue. My Retail characters who did whole Pandaria Campaign years ago now stuck with 9/10 missing Kirin Tor Offensive chapter part.

Why this is ignored for so long? I’ve spoke with people in game and on Reddit. Everyone missing that part. Some of us are completionists and things like that are very annoying.


After reset it’s not fixed. Again Retail characters where I finished “Champions of the Thunder King” quest last week Campaign is reset again to 9/10. My Remix character was 9/10 before reset and now he is 8/10. Kirin Tor Offensive is not finished again. This is realy frustrating. Right now it’s impossible to have 10/10 becouse of this.

Those are pictures before and after maintenance on Retail:


Here is Remix character:


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This is true and should be addressed immediately. Given the class ensemble is locked behind the campaign completion, it is literally impossible to obtain it right now. I have done every single quest available in Mists of Pandaria, including the random scattered scenario quests, every weekly, every daily and every variation of every daily (including the Kovok quest for the Klaxxi, which just became available for the first time since remix launched today, as well as the Dark Animus quest for the Sunreavers) and I have every reputation maxed out, including Shaohao, Sunreaver Offensive and the Shado-pan Assault. In fact, I have completed every single remix achievement to boot, including the Mythic Siege of Orgrimmar feat of strength and I even managed to get a quest I was unable to accept (specifically, the burnt fuse Brawl’gar Arena quest obtained from the hozen in Kun-Lai) - and I am stuck on 9/10, with Siege of Orgrimmar being labeled as undone. As above, this week my Sunreaver Offensive chapter also reverted to incomplete due to the weekly quest Champions of the Thunder King resetting. Completing that triggered chapter completion last week and I am fairly certain it will today once I complete it again.
This should be plenty enough information to know where to search for the source of this glitch, no? I have reported this as a bug in game and I recommend everybody to do the same. Maybe if the inbox is flooded with the same thing, it will be noticed and either fixed or at least acknowledged.
Edit: Completing Champions of the Thunder King and the Crumbled Chamberlain quests did indeed re-trigger the Sunreavers chapter.


First report about this bug was around 20 days ago on US forums. I made my own thread 7 days ago. I’m reporting this bug in game every singe day since then and yet not a single word here or US forum. This is very frustrating.

Next week if not fixed that chapter like Kirin Tor Offensive will be again not completed. Thats what happened today and previous Wednesday.


Just finished Champions of the Thunder King quest and once again Kirin Tor Offensive chapter is completed… untill next week sadly.

I hope this is not going to be one of those never ending bugs like Garrison Monuments.

I found this thread on US forum. It explains very well what is happening right now with Kirin Tor Offensive and Sunreaver Onslaught chapter.

I am very concerned that this issue is being ignored. I asked about it on Twitter - Blizzard CS EU and US. Both of my questions were left unanswered. Same situation is here. It’s been over a week since I noticed it and let you know about it. On US forums first mention about that issue was 21 days ago.

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Hi there, I have the same problem with the Sunreaver Offensive. First I thought I have to increase reputation with the Sunreavers to continue the campaign, but then I found this bug report here.

My guess is that the progress gets reset with the weekly “campaign” quest “Champions of the Thunder King”. My OCD highly demands this getting fixed. Maybe Blizzard can set the said quest to a regular non-campaign quest?


3 posts were split to a new topic: MoP Remix Campaign not Recognizing Kun-Lai Summit Progress

There is lots of bugs related to Mists of Pandaria Campaign chapters. If you are unlucky you can get no credit for Kun-Lai Summit or Townlong Steppes. Kirin Tor Offensive for the Alliance and Sunreaver Onslaught for the Horde is also bugged. That chapter resets every week due to “Champions of the Thunder King” quest.

Don’t count on the replay. Blizzard is ignoring this for over a month. I’m reporting this bug in game every single day. Made thread in that case and yet zero answer on the forums or a fix.

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Hey Ansui,

Thanks for taking the time to gather all this information, that’s pretty useful. :slight_smile:

That being said, I can confirm that this has been reported to the developers, and that they’re looking into it. :pray: While we don’t have any ETA, please be sure to keep an eye out on the hotfixes and patch notes of the main section of the site.


Thanks a lot for confirmation. As a person with OCD and completionist I’m realy appreciate.

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Does any1 know if this has been fixed yet? Getting a bit tired of having 9/10 only in my campaign progression :frowning:

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It’s not fixed. Still reporting this bug in game every day. I’m slowly losing hope.

I take it that even after 4 or so months, the issue still hasn’t been resolved, and it seems they’re not planning to fix it?

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I lost hope completly if goes about this bug. It’s going to be not fixed for years like Garrison Monuments.


Still not fixed as of Jan 9th 2025, annoys the freezing hell out of me

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