At the moment, having a mistwalker on your team is pretty much a free win.
That can’t be the purpose of “competitive” PvP.
All their mobility tools need to be disabled when carrying the flag. The same goes for evokers and outlaw rogues.
At the moment, having a mistwalker on your team is pretty much a free win.
That can’t be the purpose of “competitive” PvP.
All their mobility tools need to be disabled when carrying the flag. The same goes for evokers and outlaw rogues.
What is mistwalker?
Irony coming from a Mage.
Try ask DK if he could focus on FC instead facerolling midteamfight.
*level 70 mage.
DKs aren’t always available. A flag carrier should never be able to cross the full map in 10 seconds, nor should not having an mistweaver, evoker or outlaw rogue available be a massive disadvantage. We care about class balance, right?
MW and Evoker are both easy flag carries
And? Even a 70 Mage has way more cc than most classes.
It’s entirely irrelevant to the discussion at hand.
So, I reiterate; specs that are difficult to kill shouldn’t also be able to cross the map in 10 seconds, or have very good mobility, on top of being semi-immortal, when carrying the flag, because that is overpowered and an unfair advantage when the other team has no mistweaver, evoker, or outlaw rogue.
Monk transcendence ability should not be able to be useable when they carry flag especially in rated bgs. They have high mobility and when it’s mistweaver, they are able to hold the flag longer than any other class in the game because of transcendence.
There are two opinions :
1.Dont let monks,dragons be FC. = Game result in draws…
2.Make everyone possible flag carrier. = No draws. Fast paced fiesta.
As you can see by simple math like 2+2=5 problem isnt monk/dragon mobility.
if ur about monk healers then yeah, they are much above any other healers in blitz due to their mobility and revival. In flag maps it’s an insane advantage
Having a MW or evoker on your team while opponent doesn’t have one is essentially a free win. I don’t care if that happens in normal BGs, but in a rated environment such situations shouldn’t exist.
It’s also kind of strange to think that games will end in a draw without MW/evokers being overpowered.
Then problem is blizzard forming group system…
It’s really not.
Some classes just need to be nerfed properly.
Then u will complain ,too much draws on CF maps,. Cause noone cannot cap flag. Problem is blizzard forming group system. When one team has dragon/monk other team should have same.