Checkt it lmao i am 2107 cr in soloq in littrl rank 5 eu on MW right know, (listed with 2kraiting) next reset in 40 min
Edit* yep rank 2 Soloq MW EU&NA KEKW
I mean people climping crazy and one dude on MW rocks almost on over 2.2 k
Buts thats sad, i am sure not that good
People dont eaven try too Q it, every dead specc is ez too climp too a high specc rank with no competitorâs
I gues also BankMW and Mistycal playing more 3s atm. They sure not ditch MW or?
it´s unfun, feels close to an autolose if u play against disc with an none disc healer.
nothing drops until u reach a certain amount of dampening.
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I havenât actually lost to a single disc priest so far this season when playing holy. They all run into me sw:dâing their fear when they use fade to try to avoid me fearing them when they try to fear me and then get feared themselves.
I found the solution actually. Playing holy priest, its literally a 2 button specc and disc cant keep up with stun into fear. We just need to accept that heal= priest class from now on
Blizz is speedrunning killing pvp by making disc the only viable healing choice (last season was hpala) and thus making queue times artificially skyrocket
Been saying this since dragonflight. But we have like hundreds of priest pushing propaganda and ignore statistics of play / win rate to dodge nerfs and shift blame
âBut but but 1 druid with 4 chars was the highest healer at one point â
â but but but clone â
Now it will be â we deserve to be top tier since holy paladin was also good last season â
If you get cloned as a healer that can just win by afk healing youâre bad. 
Even on 2.8 last season I only faced noobs with no situational awareness or positioning at all, thatâs why I was able to clone and win some matches.
But did you consider clone has no cooldown ?!?!?
Holy frick how do you expact a priest to play through so much pressure ?!? It may even cost them a cd if the Druid goes for a clone , trinkest the counter fear andâŚ.
Oh wait at this point the druids hots run out and the team is dead.
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Cannot wait for the incoming tuning where underperforming healers get a 0.5% buff for a useless ability
While Disc will get a small shield nerf and 7 other buffs too compensate it making it more OP then bevor
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How can you blame them for doing a bad job, when there was obviously no job done.
there was, but they made the situation even worse smh
i have the feeling that these devs have a challenge to make this game with every season even worse.
The question is, can you kill something thats already dead?
Rdruid got âreworkedâ and it got waaay worse than it was before, so they almost accomplished it ^^,