Mistweaver got killed by Blizzards incompetent tuning team, they have done a bad job maybe the worst job someone ever have done
I can no longer hold back my frustration Blizzard active try too erase a mid tier healer and buff Disc too a god like status
No healer should have been done so bad like MW
Its importent for short DPs Q that all healer are strong and viable, making a view OP and letting every other healer down lead into this problem
Blizzard wants everyone to play disc. That’s it.
World of Disccraft is here to stay. Probably easier to balance that way
Thank god, last season it was a war crime how broken mw was. Now if they can just gut disc, pres and hpala too we might finally have balanced healers
Getting killed by a healer( casting one spell only) as a DPS, it is not exactly killed, it is fixed thank Blizzard
True cannot be how dare some healer with no spamable cc is able do contribute damage,only Disc is allowed too pump damage
Buff Disc
So me, as a DPS class, throwing all my offensive spells and burst barely makes a dent in healers health, but wen it comes around, a healer monk should kill me casting ONLY ONE spell trough all my defensives… Right.
Well I can only ask myself, what’s the point of being a DPS class?
And I’m not saying healers should have higher DMG than we have.
Healers should heal and provide support and DPS to do their part.
No one cares about you dps.
We need more healers. Even if they hurt your ego.
A smart person wouldn’t have said that 
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First day of the new season and I have to say that monk mw is really !@#$ now.
Playing 95% of arenas against disc priest I felt like I was in z-tier.
The damage is so high that losing all my defs quickly, I can’t heal two dying people in team. Looking at prej disc at the same time, I don’t even sweat.
I think mw is the worst now, maybe it was worse only in the first season of shadowlands.
More mobility to avoid CC! … And delay the invevitable loss!
But yeah mw is trash now. And disc is still as boring as ever to play…
Guess I’ll join the afk in queue crowd.
Then you should try the “reworked” bugged mastery resto druid, it’s amazing
I am happy for that becouse they did counter frost dk.
You’re the type of human we ignore. There’s bad takes and then there’s you.
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Any healer would feel z tier vs a competent disc priest right now. The throughput is just completely cracked. Mana is also exceptional.
RDruids probably struggle the most right now, throughput is just completely garbage. I have yet to test mw now though, post changes.
Even Whaaz said it on stream playing with Minpojke, rdruid is just garbage.
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Yes, and the healers who heal through atonement or ancient teachings full be edited by moderator, and whispers come from dps “Heal???” 
No, healers dont do dmg.
But when they are with me, do dps, and heal me simultaneously.
believe me, mw is bad too. After Damp goes to 20 or above, hots and heals doesnt matter anymore, yes i know crackle do a lot of dmg and a lot of heal, but its not, if damp is high. (+ rog and arms and pets and ferals heal reduction spells)
its a really sad thing, I cant win against d priest rn, more then 3-3. And you can check the check-pvp site, 50% of healers are disc priests 
Healing is not fun anymore.
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You go 3-3 vs priest on mw? I’m lucky if he throw one game lol
Any webside that uptaded there data was people play and how high people are drustvar looks like it have season one data for me?